How to lower uric acid levels naturally and manage gout

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How to lower uric acid levels naturally and manage gout

Dietary measures, medications, and supplements can all help reduce uric acid and manage gout. Gout can occur when blood uric acid levels are too high, causing crystals to form in the feet, toes, and other joints.

Uric acid is a chemical the body creates when it breaks down purines. The body creates purines, and some foods and drinks also contain them.

Lowering uric acid can reduce the risk of gout and help prevent flares. Read on to learn about natural ways to help lower uric acid levels.

1. Limit purine-rich foods

person eats nuts from hand to lower uric acid levels

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Purines are compounds that occur naturally in some foods. As the body breaks them down, it produces uric acid. The process of metabolizing purine-rich foods causes the production of excess uric acid, which may lead to gout.

Some otherwise nutritious foods contain a high amount of purines, which means a person may wish to reduce their intake instead of eliminating them all.

Foods with high purine content include:

wild game, such as deer (venison)

some fish and seafood, such as:

  • trout
  • tuna
  • haddock
  • sardines
  • anchovies
  • mussels
  • herring
  • high fat foods, such as bacon, dairy products, and red meat, including veal
  • organ meats, such as liver and sweetbreads
  • sugary foods and beverages
  • some alcohol, including beer and liquor

Foods with moderate purine content include:

  • pork
  • ham
  • chicken
  • beef
  • duck
  • some shellfish, such as:
  • oyster
  • shrimp
  • crab
  • Lobster

2. Eat more low purine foods

While some foods are high in purines, others feature lower amounts. A person may include them in their diet to help lower their uric acid levels.

Some foods with low purine content include:

  • low fat and fat-free dairy products
  • peanut butter and most nuts
  • most fruits and vegetables
  • rice
  • bread
  • potatoes
  • pasta

3. Avoid medications that raise uric acid levels

Certain medications may elevate uric acid levels. These include:

  • diuretics, such as furosemide (Lasix) and hydrochlorothiazide
  • drugs that suppress the immune system
  • low dose aspirin

It is important to contact a doctor before stopping or changing any medications. Drugs that raise uric acid levels may offer essential health benefits

4. Maintain a moderate weight

Maintaining a moderate weight can help lower blood uric acid levels and improve overall health.

Experts recommend that people focus on making long-term, sustainable changes to manage their weight, such as becoming more active, eating a balanced diet, and choosing nutrient-dense foods.

5. Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks

Consuming a lot of alcohol and sugary drinks — such as sodas and sweetened juices — correlates with an increased risk of developing gout.

Alcohol and sweetened drinks also add unnecessary calories to the diet, potentially causing weight gain and metabolic issues, leading to increased uric acid levels.

6. Drink coffee

Research from 2015Trusted Source indicates that people who drink coffee are less likely to develop gout.

A 2016 meta-analysisTrusted Source of 11 studies concluded that there might be a link between drinking coffee and having a lower risk of gout. However, there was insufficient evidence of a strong association.

7. Increase vitamin C intake

In a 2021 reviewTrusted Source, researchers noted that many previous studies show a positive link between vitamin C intake and blood uric acid levels.

However, while they noted this effect, they also stated that no study had found conclusive evidence that vitamin C can prevent or reduce gout attacks.

A person’s doctor can advise on whether they recommend taking vitamin C supplements or increasing their vitamin C intake.

8. Eat cherries

According to a 2019 studyTrusted Source, scientists noted several properties of cherries that may help reduce inflammation.

However, they also noted that additional studies into the effects of cherries on gout are necessary.

9. Try supplements

Certain supplements may help with lowering blood uric acid levels.

Some potentially beneficial supplements include:

  • vitamin C
  • omega-3 fatty acid
  • folic acid
  • turmeric capsules

It is best to contact a doctor for advice before taking supplements. They can make sure the supplements will not interfere with any current medications.

10. Increase dietary fiber

A high fiber diet may help reduceTrusted Source blood uric acid levels. Individuals can find fiber in various foods, including:

  • whole grains
  • fruits
  • vegetables

Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to common questions about uric acid levels.

How can I lower uric acid quickly?

Making dietary changes may help lower uric acid levels. A doctor may also recommend taking supplements and stopping certain medications.

What foods reduce uric acid?

Consuming foods low in purines can help reduce uric acid levels. These include some dairy products, peanut butter and nuts, potatoes, pasta, rice, and more.

What is the best drink to flush uric acid?

According to the Arthritis Foundation, drinking water can help flush uric acid from the system.


There are various steps a person can take to manage uric acid levels naturally. These include making dietary changes, maintaining a moderate weight, and avoiding certain medications.

People can contact a doctor to discuss their symptoms and ask for advice on lifestyle changes that could help. The doctor can advise on other treatments to help manage gout.

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