Itchy vagina before period: Causes, remedies, and treatments

Hormonal shifts can cause vaginal itching before a period. Sometimes, however, the itching might be due to an infection, in which case the timing of the itchiness is purely coincidental.

Some common reasons a person might experience vaginal itching around their period include a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis (BV), vaginal dryness, inflammation, and the use of certain period products.

Vaginal infections are not usually serious, though they sometimes need medical treatment. People who experience itching at the same point during every cycle may have a condition called cyclic vulvovaginitis.

In this article, learn about the causes of vaginal itching before a period, as well as some treatment options and home remedies.


a woman lying in bed and looking uncomfortable as she has a itchy vagina before her period
Vaginal dryness is a possible cause of an itchy vagina before a period.

The sections below will look at some potential causes of vaginal itching before a period in more detail.

Vaginal dryness
Estrogen levels peak around ovulation, then fall rapidly in the days leading up to a period. This can cause vaginal dryness. Vaginal dryness may make the vagina feel painful and itchy, especially during sex.

A person approaching menopause may also experience vaginal dryness. Sometimes, women who have recently given birth also notice dryness while they are postpartum or breastfeeding.

There is evidence to suggest that menstruation increases skin sensitivity.

A study from 1991 found that people on day one of their menstrual cycle were much more likely to experience skin irritation when their bodies had exposure to an irritant stimulus than at later points in their cycle.

This could be due to inflammation. Inflammation levels rise and fall during a person’s menstrual cycle. Researchers suggest that this could be why some people with chronic illnesses notice that their symptoms get worse before or during their period.

If a person has allergies, skin irritation, or a skin condition, it is possible that inflammation levels before a period could make their symptoms worse and cause itching. However, this is still a growing area of research, so scientists do not yet understand the connection fully.

Period products
Some people experience irritation related to the menstrual products they use.

Tampons can absorb natural vaginal lubrication, making the vagina feel dry and itchy. Similarly, scented products may cause reactions in people with sensitive skin or allergies.

If the irritation only happens when a person gets their period, this may mean that the period products they use are the culprit. A person can try switching to unscented pads or silicone menstrual cups. These products are less likely to cause dryness or skin reactions.

Yeast infection
Yeast infections are a type of fungal infection. It is normal to have some yeast on the skin, but too much can cause an infection.

Certain factors — such as pregnancy, diabetes, and using antibiotics — can also trigger yeast infections.

Yeast infections are common and can happen at any time during a person’s menstrual cycle. If the vagina and vulva are itchy and there is a thick, cottage cheese-like discharge, a person may have a yeast infection.

Cyclic vulvovaginitis
Cyclic vulvovaginitis is a chronic infection that reoccurs before or during a person’s period.

A person with cyclic vulvovaginitis may experience symptoms such as:

  • burning, itching, or stinging just before a period
  • symptoms that worsen after sexual activity
  • few or no symptoms between periods
  • Several factors can contribute to this condition, including anything that changes the vagina’s complex bacterial balance. Antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, chemical products, and some chronic illnesses may play a role.

Doctors treat this condition by finding the cause of the imbalance and treating the infection.

BV is a bacterial infection of the vagina. It is also the most common type of vaginal infection in females aged 15–44.

Many people with this infection notice a strong fishy odor, especially after sex. Sometimes, the symptoms are worse at certain points in a person’s cycle, such as before a period.

Some people with BV notice only an odor, but others may experience:

  • itching or burning
  • pain
  • thin, white or gray discharge
  • Doctors do not always understand what causes BV. However, they do know that changes in a person’s vaginal flora and practices such as douching can increase the likelihood of developing it.

Sexually transmitted infections
Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as gonorrhea, may cause itching, discharge, or an unpleasant odor.

These infections do not usually get worse before or during a person’s period. However, some people may notice symptoms for the first time before their period.

Most STIs are treatable. If a person has any symptoms of an STI, they should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

A doctor may examine the vagina and vulva for discharge, irritation, and injuries. They may also take a swab of the vagina to test for different types of infection.

If there are no obvious signs of infection or injury, the doctor may recommend that the person keeps a diary of symptoms and lifestyle factors, so that they can identify the cause of the itching.

Some companies now offer home test kits that can help diagnose a yeast infection or BV. However, if symptoms do not improve with home treatment or they get worse, it is important to see a doctor.

There is no specific treatment for inflammation-related itching during a period. Some people may find that vaginal moisturizers help. These moisturizers can also ease vaginal dryness.

For irritation, switching to unscented period products, using tampon alternatives, and avoiding harsh soaps may help.

Yeast infections usually respond to over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal treatments. However, some people may need an oral antifungal to treat a chronic or recurring yeast infection.

People with cyclic vulvovaginitis may require more aggressive treatment. A doctor may prescribe topical creams and oral antifungals simultaneously. In some cases, a person will need to continue with treatment for several months after symptoms subside.

For BV and STIs, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Different infections respond to different antibiotics, so it is important to get an accurate diagnosis and a prescription for the correct antibiotic.

Home remedies
A number of home remedies may help reduce the severity of vaginal itching before a period. However, the methods that help will depend on what the cause is.

It is important to note that home remedies cannot cure STIs or serious infections.

For yeast infections and BV, probiotics may help. Probiotics contain species of beneficial bacteria and come in oral and topical forms.

However, research into their effectiveness is inconclusive, and they

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