New blood test that can tell if someone is having a heart attack is faster than ever and 100% accurate, reveals US study

Home / Clinical Practice / New blood test that can tell if someone is having a heart attack is faster than ever and 100% accurate, reveals US study
  • The new test used can diagnose a heart attack faster than ever and is 100% accurate
  • Measures troponins proteins released by damaged heart cells during an attack
  • In typically healthy people, troponin levels are low enough to be undetectable
  • The breakthrough means doctors are able to diagnose and treat patients sooner  

A simple blood test that can tell whether someone is having a heart attack has been deemed safe and effective, a new study confirmed.

The test, which is used in casualty departments, can diagnose potentially-fatal episodes faster than ever before and be 100 percent accurate in its trial.

It allows patients to be given life-saving opportunities at the earliest opportunity.

Breakthrough: New test can diagnose a heart attack faster than ever and is 100% accurate

Breakthrough: New test can diagnose a heart attack faster than ever and is 100% accurate

The technique measures proteins called troponins released by damaged heart cells during a heart attack.

Lead author Dr. Rebecca Vigen, a cardiologist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, said: ‘We did not miss any heart attacks using this test in this population.

‘The test also allowed us to determine faster that many patients who had symptoms of a heart attack were not having a heart attack than if we had relied on the traditional test.’

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