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Primary Care: Re Carpe Your Diem
Ann Thomas, MD, MPH
August 19, 2024
William Fox, MD, a self-described “dinosaur,” works in an independent internal medicine practice with two other physicians in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is rarely able to accept new patients, and when he does see one, they often have to wait months for the appointment. He accepts the burden of many pent-up needs, along with the huge administrative chore of coordinating their care with subspecialists.

“I will probably have to make multiple visits in a quick succession in order to make sure that I stabilize all the various issues,” Fox said. Doing so for a complicated new patient is nearly impossible because of time pressures, especially as it has become increasingly difficult for his patients to access subspecialists.
Fox traced the roots of the problem to a shortage of primary care physicians.
“Primary care is a vital part of healthcare and infrastructure in the United States, and it is being eroded unfortunately, as fewer and fewer medical students and residents choose to go into the primary care field,” Fox said. “And the reason it’s being eroded partly is because it is undervalued” and under-reimbursed, he added.
A study published 2 years ago in the Journal of General Internal Medicine proved what every primary care clinician already knows: The 24-hour day simply isn’t long enough.
Assuming an average panel of 2500 patients, the authors estimated the average time needed to provide currently recommended preventive care services and vaccines, chronic disease care, and management of acute illnesses. The answer: 26.7 hours a day.
However, using a team-based approach in which the necessary care was divided between physicians, advanced practice providers, and medical assistants, the physician component could be whittled down to 9 hours.
As chair of the Board of Regents of the American College of Physicians (ACP), Fox champions the ACP’s endorsement of physician-led team-based care, which improves patient outcomes and increases well-being among health professionals. But practices like his rarely have the necessary resources to support advanced practice clinicians or social workers. “Team-based care can be achieved in larger healthcare systems that have the resources to do it,” said Fox. “We need to find a way for smaller independent practices to also participate in team-based care.”
The solution? Major reform in the current fee-for-service payment structure, which incentivizes patient volume over patient outcomes. Fox coauthored a 2022 position statement from ACP outlining strategies such as prospective payment models that could achieve high-quality care and address social inequities. “We need to evolve our payment system from a fee-for-service system into a blended system where you have some population-based payments along with fee-for-service, or a fully capitated system,” he said.
Advantages of Team-Based Care
When a patient wrote on a satisfaction survey “the doctor spent more time examining the computer than examining me,” Kevin Hopkins, MD, decided he needed to change some things. Now the vice chief of Cleveland Clinic’s Primary Care Institute in Cleveland, in 2010, he developed a rudimentary team-based care model consisting of himself and two medical assistants at Cleveland Clinic.

Kevin Hopkins, MD
The assistants did much of the patient intake, served as scribes while Hopkins saw his patients, and completed most of the required documentation. “I was able to see 30% more patients in a day and still take great care of them,” Hopkins said.
The concept of team-based care has evolved since then, often including some combination of advanced practice providers such as physician assistants (PAs) or nurse practitioners (NPs), nurses or medical assistants, and social workers or case managers working under the leadership of a physician. According to Hopkins, the basic strategy should be that “the physician does what only the physician is uniquely trained and qualified to do.” All other tasks, such as data entry, handling refill requests and messages from the patient portal, scheduling, or patient education, can — and should — be done by someone else.
Hopkins also serves as a senior physician advisor to the American Medical Association (AMA) and an instructor for workshops like “Saving Time: Practice Innovation Boot Camp.” His advice for clinicians who would like to streamline their workflow is to start with small steps.
“You’re not going to be able to hire all the people that you’d like to have,” he said. “I encourage physicians to look around at the people that they have and what they are currently doing as a part of their roles and responsibilities.”
The AMA Team-Based Care and Workflow website provides brief continuing medical education activities on topics such as implementing lab testing prior to office visits or advanced protocols for rooming and discharge; adopting any of these strategies can help save steps during office visits.
Hopkins said the AMA is committed to reducing the regulatory burden on clinicians. Clinical compliance officers may misinterpret regulatory requirements, putting into place overly conservative internal policies and procedures. The AMA’s “Reducing Regulatory Burden Playbook” offers advice on practices that could be stopped, such as two-factor authentication for approving or signing orders unless they are for controlled substances, or started, such as writing prescriptions for chronic daily medications for the maximum allowed length. Reducing a few clicks with each logon to the electronic health record or reducing the number of tasks physicians must complete to log on can dramatically reduce hours spent on the computer.
Telehealth Changes Everything
But it might be even more efficient to keep patients out of the office.
Initially piloted in Palo Alto, California, from 2018 to 2022, the Tera Practice adopted team-based care strategies in a practice that conducts most of its work virtually. Sutter Health has since expanded the concept to three “Connected Care Clinics” in the San Francisco area, which provide 80% of their care via secure messaging, telephone, or video visit. Staff work primarily from home, and patients do not need to take off work or spend time driving to in-person visits to access care.
Matthew Sakumoto, MD, is a virtualist primary care physician at Sutter Health’s San Francisco clinic and an adjunct assistant clinical professor at the University of California, San Francisco. He leads a three-person team, which typically has included either a NP or PA, along with a licensed vocational nurse or medical assistant.

Matthew Sakumoto, MD
“I go into clinic once a week, but a lot of the visits are video visits, so I don’t feel the pressure to address everything all in one visit,” Sakumoto said. “It is really freeing for both me and the patient.”
For more complex patients, for example, he prioritizes one problem at a visit because his team will follow up virtually for administrative issues like refills or specialty referrals. He can easily find time to schedule a patient for a follow-up virtual visit in the next week or 2 weeks to address additional needs. And on days he and his staff work from home, patients who message with an urgent concern can often be seen by video that same day.
Sakumoto and his team have a traditional huddle in the office the morning of their clinic day to plan for the scheduled visits, but most of their days are less structured. On non-clinic days, their morning Zoom huddle has a much different focus.
“We’re saying, ‘Okay, who are our high-risk patients? Who haven’t we seen in a while?'” Sakumoto said. They group patients into tiers based on factors such as age, number of complex medical needs, and frequency of emergency visits or hospitalizations. They also check in with higher-risk patients who haven’t contacted the office or been seen recently.
Sakumoto noticed in medical school doctors take excellent care of the patients who show up to the clinic. “We don’t do quite as well for those that don’t show up,” he said. The hybrid-virtual model gives him time to think in a more population-based way about engaging his entire panel of patients. The majority have capitated or value-based insurance plans, providing a dedicated monthly revenue stream that funds his virtual practice.
More clinicians may be able to hire staff and adopt some of these innovative approaches if Congress approves proposed changes to Medicare and Medicaid increasing the use of value-based payment systems. Although these changes may not provide all the funding needed to reinvigorate the field of primary care medicine, Fox said, “at least some people in positions of power and responsibility are beginning to think more seriously about these issues.”
Sakumoto reported personal fees from the following companies within the past 24 months: Clearstep Health, Carbon Health, Matter Health, CareAlign, PlushCare, Teladoc, and Nabla Health. Fox and Hopkins reported no financial conflicts of interest.
A former pediatrician and disease detective, Ann Thomas, MD, MPH, is a freelance science writer living in Portland, Oregon.
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