Psoriatic Arthritis Nail Symptoms: 8 Common Signs (With Pictures)

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Psoriatic Arthritis Nail Symptoms: 8 Common Signs (With Pictures)

The nail changes in people with psoriatic arthritis are more than just a cosmetic problem. They can cause pain and discomfort and make it hard to work with your hands. Knowing what signs to look for in your nails can help you get evaluated and treated early and improve the look and function of your nails.

What are the 8 signs of psoriatic arthritis in your nails?
Below are eight nail symptoms and images of psoriatic arthritis, from most to least common.

Keep in mind that many of these nail changes can also happen in other conditions. So experiencing these changes doesn’t mean that you have psoriatic arthritis (or psoriasis). But if you do have these nail changes, it’s a good idea to talk with a healthcare professional.

Nail pitting
Nail pitting is the most common nail change in psoriatic arthritis. Pits appear as tiny dents in the nail plate. One or more nails can be affected, and there can be just a couple or dozens of dents on each nail. People with eczema and alopecia areata can also have nail pitting.

Close-up of nails covered in tiny dents (psoriasis nail pitting).

Tiny dents in the nails (nail pitting) from nail psoriasis.

Onycholysis happens when part of your nail detaches from the nail bed, causing it to turn white. It usually starts at the tip of your nail and spreads toward your cuticle. When this happens, different bacteria can collect in the space under the nail, increasing the risk of infection. If onycholysis is really severe, you can completely lose your nail.

You can also get onycholysis from:

Nail trauma
Fungal infection of the nails
Certain medications, like tetracycline
Close-up of a nail with a white tip (onycholysis from nail psoriasis).

Nail separation in psoriasis (onycholysis) causes it to turn white.

Subungual hyperkeratosis
Subungual hyperkeratosis is a thick scale that forms underneath the tip of your nail. This happens when the cells from your nail bed don’t shed like they’re supposed to. Nails with this change can get in the way of everyday activities.

Close-up of fingernails that have thick patches underneath the nail tip (nail psoriasis).

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