Scientists increase the life expectancy of mice by 30 per cent thanks to a protein boost that also makes them less susceptible to cancer and may one day work on humans

Home / Proteomics / Scientists increase the life expectancy of mice by 30 per cent thanks to a protein boost that also makes them less susceptible to cancer and may one day work on humans

Scientists increase the life expectancy of mice by 30 per cent thanks to a protein boost that also makes them less susceptible to cancer and may one day work on humans


PUBLISHED: 13:25 EDT, 1 June 2021 | UPDATED: 13:25 EDT, 1 June 2021

Giving mice a protein boost can increase their life expectancy by up to 30 percent and make them less susceptible to cancer, according to a new study.

The supply of protein SIRT6, which has been found to wane in some mammals with age, was given to 250 mice by a team from Bar-Illan University in Ramat Gan, Israel.

They found that the mice given the protein boost had a greater life expectancy, a more youthful appearance and that it made them less susceptible to cancer.

Lead author Haim Cohen said it may one day work in humans, and if so could see average life expectancy increase to almost 120, compared to the current 80.

They haven’t tested it on humans and haven’t confirmed it will work on humans, but the lab is trying to find drugs that would boost SIRT6 in humans safely.

‘The mechanism through which the protein SIRT6 acts as a ‘fountain of youth’ allows old mice to conduct the same level of vigorous activity as their young counterparts, without becoming frail,’ said Cohen.

Giving mice a protein boost can increase their life expectancy by up to 30 per cent and make them less susceptible to cancer, according to a new study. Stock image

Giving mice a protein boost can increase their life expectancy by up to 30 percent and make them less susceptible to cancer, according to a new study. Stock image

The supply of protein SIRT6, that has been found to wane in some mammals with age, was given to 250 mice by a team from Bar-Illan University in Ramat Gan, Israel. Stock image

The supply of protein SIRT6, which has been found to wane in some mammals with age, was given to 250 mice by a team from Bar-Illan University in Ramat Gan, Israel. Stock image

Increased frailty and an overall decline in health are major issues associated with getting older, with age a major risk factor in multiple chronic diseases.

More than 30 percent of the elderly population around the world are affected by ‘frailty syndrome,’ which includes weakness, fatigue, and low physical activity.

‘Increasing our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the aging process is a top priority to facilitate the development of interventions that will lead to the preservation of health and improvements on survival and lifespan,’ said Cohen.

He has focused his research on the SIRT6 protein, which regulates many biological functions such as aging, obesity, and even insulin resistance.

Studying mice, the team found that high levels of the SIRT6 gene led to life expectancy improvements – up to 30 percent increase over normal mice.

Furthermore, the mice exhibited significant improvement in overcoming a variety of age-related diseases, such as cancer and blood disorders. 

Beyond this, strikingly, they were able to conduct the same level of vigorous activity as young mice and didn’t become frail.

Next, through a variety of biochemical methods and metabolic analyses, the researchers deciphered the mechanism through which SIRT6 acts as a type of ‘fountain of youth’, facilitating healthy aging.

They found that non-boosted older animals lose their ability to generate energy when they don’t have access to external sources of energy, increasing frailty.

When they gave mice the boost in SIRT6, they were able to maintain energy generation capacity from other forms of storage such as the breakdown of fats.

‘Altogether, SIRT6 controls lifespan and the ability to generate energy at times of its limited availability, such as physical activity, fasting, and aging,’ they said.

‘These pathways, together with SIRT6’s known regulating role of the key aging-related metabolic signaling pathways place SIRT6 as a master regulator of healthy aging.’

They said this means the protein has the potential of becoming a target to one day preserve function in the body and delay the onset of frailty through aging.

'The mechanism through which the protein SIRT6 acts as a 'fountain of youth' allows old mice to conduct the same level of vigorous activity as their young counterparts, without becoming frail,' said Cohen. Stock image

‘The mechanism through which the protein SIRT6 acts as a ‘fountain of youth’ allows old mice to conduct the same level of vigorous activity as their young counterparts, without becoming frail,’ said Cohen. Stock image 

SIRT6 activated a physical response identical to diets that increase lifespan.  

‘This discovery, combined with our previous findings, shows that SIRT6 controls the rate of healthy aging,’ says Professor Cohen.

‘If we can determine how to activate it in humans, we will be able to prolong life, and this could have enormous health and economic implications.’ 

Today, Cohen’s lab is developing methods for extending healthy life based on these findings, which were published in the journal Nature Communications. 

‘These findings show that SIRT6 optimizes energy homeostasis in old age to delay frailty and preserve healthy aging,’ they wrote.

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