Tag: <span>27 genetic variants</span>

Home / 27 genetic variants

Researchers pave way to target an autoimmune disease-associated gene variant

by Serena Crawford, Yale University Superimposed structures of the SRA domain bound to DNA double helix (orange) from the 3CLZ.pdb, modeled CMFT bound SRA (yellow) and methylated cytosine (green). Credit: Journal of Biological Chemistry (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2024.107443In a new study, Yale researchers identified a molecule that binds to a disease-associated macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF)...

Researchers link 27 genetic variants to ADHD

Researchers link 27 genetic variants to ADHD

by Aarhus University Venn diagrams showing MiXeR results of the estimated number of variants shared between ADHD and psychiatric disorders (with significant genetic correlations with ADHD) and phenotypes representing other domains with high genetic correlation with ADHD. Circles represent shared loci (gray), unique to ADHD (light blue) and unique to the phenotype of interest (orange)....