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Silent synapses are abundant in the adult brain

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MIT neuroscientists have discovered that the adult brain contains millions of “silent synapses” — immature connections between neurons that remain inactive until they’re recruited to help form new memories. Until now, it was believed that silent synapses were present only during early development, when they help the brain learn the new...

Structure of adult brain, previously thought to be fixed, is changed by treatment

Structure of adult brain, previously thought to be fixed, is changed by treatment

by European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Representative map of the affected connections in the brain. The number of these connections increased after treatment. Credit: Jonathan Repple Scientists believe that the structure of the adult brain is generally rigid and incapable of rapid changes; now new work has shown that this is not true. German researchers have...

The adult brain has the potential to partially recover from inherited blindness, study finds

The adult brain has the potential to partially recover from inherited blindness, study finds

by University of California, Irvine Graphical abstract. Credit: Current Biology (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.09.005 A discovery about how some visually impaired adults could start to see offers a new vision of the brain’s possibilities. The finding that the adult brain has the potential to partially recover from inherited blindness comes from a collaboration between researchers in the University...

Discovery could one day help rejuvenate the adult brain

Discovery could one day help rejuvenate the adult brain

Imagine a drug that could temporarily reenergize plasticity in the brain to treat autism or schizophrenia, or even help an adult’s ageing brain pick up a new language or learn to play a musical instrument. Such are the potential, down-the-road medical implications of a discovery made by a postdoctoral researcher in the Institute of Neuroscience...