Tag: <span>Ageing</span>

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German scientists make a ‘major discovery’ that could slow down the ageing process – from Euronews

German scientists make a ‘major discovery’ that could slow down the ageing process – from Euronews

Have we finally found a way to slow down the ageing process?   –  Copyright  Euronews/CanvaBy Camille Bello Despite centuries of research and progress in medicine, there are still many mysteries that remain unresolved, chief among them being an understanding of what causes ageing and how can we slow it down or reverse it. But a new study...

Ageing studies in five animals suggests how to reverse decline

Ageing studies in five animals suggests how to reverse decline

Gemma Conroy RNA polymerase (blue) unwinds DNA (violet), using it as a template to produce a strand of messenger RNA (red). In aged cells, this process accelerates.Credit: selvanegra/Getty Ageing seems to affect cellular processes in the same way across five very different kinds of life — humans, fruit flies, rats, mice and worms — according...


New cellular secrets of ageing unlocked by researchers

Researchers have discovered how genetic mutations accumulated slowly over a lifetime lead to dramatic changes in how blood is formed after the age of 70, providing a new theory for ageing. New research has uncovered how genetic changes that accumulate slowly in blood stem cells throughout life are likely to be responsible for the dramatic...

Uncovered: Key to how exercise protects against consequences of ageing

Uncovered: Key to how exercise protects against consequences of ageing

by Monash University Staining showing mitochondria within individual muscle fibres. Credit: Monash University Monash University, Australia scientists have discovered an enzyme that is key to why exercise improves our health. Importantly this discovery has opened up the possibility of drugs to promote this enzyme’s activity, protecting against the consequences of aging on metabolic health, including...

Epigenetics, the misunderstood science that could shed new light on ageing

Epigenetics, the misunderstood science that could shed new light on ageing

A little over a decade ago, a clutch of scientific studies was published that seemed to show that survivors of atrocities or disasters such as the Holocaust and the Dutch famine of 1944-45 had passed on the biological scars of those traumatic experiences to their children. The studies caused a sensation, earning their own BBC Horizon documentary and the cover...

A fountain of youth for ageing stem cells in bone marrow

A fountain of youth for ageing stem cells in bone marrow

by  Max Planck Society Stained calcium (dark brown) in stem cells from the bone marrow: Young stem cells (left) produce more material for bone than old stem cells (center). They can be rejuvenated by adding sodium acetate (right). Credit: Pouikli/Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing As we age, our bones become thinner, we suffer fractures...


Alcohol use in young adults is associated with early ageing of blood vessels

Sophia Antipolis, France – 23 Aug 2021:  Drinking alcohol during adolescence to young adulthood is associated with accelerated arterial stiffening, a precursor to cardiovascular disease. That’s the finding of a study presented at ESC Congress 2021.1 “There was some evidence of a graded increase with heavier usage, meaning that the more you drink, the greater the...

New research unearths key to minimizing some health risks associated with ageing

New research unearths key to minimizing some health risks associated with ageing

A study led by researchers at WIMR has, for the first time, demonstrated how CD47 – a cell surface protein – drives biological dysfunctions in the body, such as decreased circulation and poor metabolic homeostasis, both of which worsen with age. Researchers hope developing therapies that target CD47 will significantly reduce the impact these health issues have on older...

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