Tag: <span>alcohol abuse</span>

Home / alcohol abuse
Study identifies neural circuit that controls alcohol abuse in mice

Study identifies neural circuit that controls alcohol abuse in mice

by Rod Chester, Queensland University of Technology Chemogenetic manipulation of 5-HTMRN>DG circuit modulates ethanol intake following long-term exposure. A–C mCherry-control, hM3Dq-excitatory, and hM4Di-inhibitory DREADDs were injected in pet1-5-HT MRN neurons and bilateral cannulae were implanted in the hippocampus, above the dentate gyrus (A). Expression of DREADD constructs in TPH2-immunoreactive MRN neurons was verified by immunohistochemistry (B,...


Late-onset alcohol abuse can be a presenting symptom of dementia, researchers find

THE MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL / MOUNT SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Patients who start abusing alcohol later in life—after age 40—may be doing so secondary to an underlying neurologic condition, such as frontotemporal dementia, according to findings by a team of researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the University of California,...

PTSD and alcohol abuse go hand-in-hand, but males and females exhibit symptoms differently

PTSD and alcohol abuse go hand-in-hand, but males and females exhibit symptoms differently

by  The Scripps Research Institute Through intricate experiments designed to account for sex-specific differences, scientists at Scripps Research have collaborated to zero in on certain changes in the brain that may be responsible for driving alcohol abuse among people with post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. In studies with rodents, researchers found that males and females exhibit their own distinct symptoms and brain...