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Alcohol use can alter gut microbes, but not in the way you might think

Alcohol use can alter gut microbes, but not in the way you might think

by  University of California – San Diego Credit: CC0 Public Domain Chronic alcohol use is a major cause of liver damage and death: Approximately 30,000 persons in the United States die annually from alcoholic liver diseases, such as cirrhosis. Among the negative impacts of excessive alcohol use is its ability to adversely affect the gut microbiome,...

Study that investigated whether three smoking cessation drugs could reduce alcohol intake yields unexpected finding

Study that investigated whether three smoking cessation drugs could reduce alcohol intake yields unexpected finding

by Vanderbilt University Medical Center Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A clinical trial to test whether three proven smoking cessation treatments could also reduce alcohol intake found no differences between the medications, but the rates of behavior change for alcohol consumption and smoking were high in all treatment groups. Results suggest these medications could play an...

Huge genetic study suggests alcohol accelerates biological aging

Huge genetic study suggests alcohol accelerates biological aging

By Michael Irving July 26, 2022 A new study has found evidence that alcohol may accelerate biological aging Depositphotos A comprehensive new Oxford study has added to the growing body of research highlighting the health effects of alcohol. The large-scale genetic analysis suggests that alcohol consumption directly accelerates aging, by shortening telomeres. Alcohol is among...


Alcohol’s Detrimental Impact on the Brain Explained?

Pauline Anderson July 14, 2022 Iron accumulation in the brain as a result of alcohol consumption may explain why even moderate drinking is linked to compromised cognitive function. Results of a large observational study suggest brain iron accumulation is a “plausible pathway” through which alcohol negatively affects cognition, study Anya Topiwala, MD, PhD, senior clinical...

Myrkl: new anti-hangover pill said to break down up to 70% of alcohol in an hour—what you need to know

Myrkl: new anti-hangover pill said to break down up to 70% of alcohol in an hour—what you need to know

by Ashwin Dhanda, The Conversation Credit: Rawpixel/Shutterstock A new anti-hangover supplement has just gone on sale in the UK. It is marketed by Swedish firm Myrkl as “the pre-drinking pill that works.” The pill is said to break down up to 70% of alcohol after 60 minutes. This means that if someone drinks 50ml of 40% spirits, which...

Trying to cut back on alcohol? Here’s what works

Trying to cut back on alcohol? Here’s what works

by Nicole Lee, The Conversation Credit: Shutterstock With everything going on over the past couple of years, many people have changed their drinking habits. We’ve seen an increased demand for support, suggesting more people are trying to cut back or quit. There are so many options for cutting back or quitting alcohol it’s hard to know what...


Most Americans Unaware Alcohol Can Cause Cancer

Pam Harrison February 17, 2022 The majority of Americans are not aware that alcohol consumption causes a variety of cancers, and especially do not consider wine and beer to have a link with cancer, suggest the results from a national survey. “Alcohol is a leading modifiable risk factor for cancer yet most Americans are unaware that alcohol...


Most Americans Unaware Alcohol Can Cause Cancer

Pam Harrison February 17, 2022 The majority of Americans are not aware that alcohol consumption causes a variety of cancers, and especially do not consider wine and beer to have a link with cancer, suggest the results from a national survey. “Alcohol is a leading modifiable risk factor for cancer yet most Americans are unaware...

Alcohol dependence: Psilocybin reduces relapses

Alcohol dependence: Psilocybin reduces relapses

by Central Institute of Mental Health (CIMH) Alcohol dependence: Psilocybin reduces relapsesFig. 1. Alcohol-induced infralimbic mGluR2 deficit leads to impaired ASST performance.(A) Scheme of chronic alcohol-vapor exposure leading to stable blood alcohol concentrations and significantly increased somatic withdrawal scores. After 3 weeks of abstinence, batches of animals were used either for spine density analysis, attentional...

Alcohol can cause immediate risk of atrial fibrillation

Alcohol can cause immediate risk of atrial fibrillation

by  University of California, San Francisco Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A single glass of wine can quickly—significantly—raise the drinker’s risk for atrial fibrillation, according to new research by UC San Francisco. The study provides the first evidence that alcohol consumption substantially increases the chance of the heart rhythm condition occurring within a few hours. The findings...