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Can algae enhance skin regeneration and wound healing?

Can algae enhance skin regeneration and wound healing?

by Wiley Schematic illustration for fabrication of EMVEG using a EG extrusion method. Credit: Advanced Materials Interfaces (2023). DOI: 10.1002/admi.202202255 A product of a freshwater single-celled green algae called Euglena gracilis may enhance skin regeneration to speed up wound healing, according to new research published in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Investigators developed a system based on microvesicles that bud from the...

Algae shown to improve gastrointestinal health

Algae shown to improve gastrointestinal health

Project is the first to test green algae on symptoms related to human digestion UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – SAN DIEGO A widespread, fast-growing plant called Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is famous in scientific laboratories due to its position as the world’s most exhaustively studied algae. For decades, the green, single-celled organism, which primarily grows in wet soil,...