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New Algorithm Cleans Microbiome Data With Unprecedented Efficiency

None of us are born with a fully functioning immune system and microbiome, and the first few months of life are crucial for establishing strong lifelong defenses.  Better understanding how germs influence the development of human immunology would reap innumerable benefits, but for years, scientists haven’t been able to answer the most basic question: where does inoculation...

New algorithm can predict diabetic kidney disease

New algorithm can predict diabetic kidney disease

by Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute Association between CpG methylation and renal function. The methylation level of each CpG site was tested for its association with baseline eGFR (a–c) and eGFR slope (d–f). The results of all the 434,908 CpG sites analyzed in this study are shown using Manhattan plots (a, d), quantile–quantile (QQ) plots (b, e),...

Researchers develop an algorithm to improve cancer treatment

Researchers develop an algorithm to improve cancer treatment

by Josh Barney, University of Virginia Overview of KSTAR algorithm. First, we heuristically prune dense and highly overlapping weighted kinase-substrate prediction graphs from NetworKIN into many sparse, binary graphs. Statistical enrichment is calculated for an experiment that has a defined set of phosphorylation sites for every kinase across all networks using a hypergeometric distribution. We...

An algorithm to predict psychotic illnesses

An algorithm to predict psychotic illnesses

by  University of Geneva Schematic representation of longitudinal network analyses applied to developmental psychiatry. Networks are reconstructed by calculating correlations between different symptoms, both at each assessment and over time. This allows the risk of developing a psychotic disorder in adolescence to be estimated and the most important targets for treatment to be identified. Credit: UNIGE...

Algorithm spots early signs of Alzheimer’s with almost 100% accuracy

Algorithm spots early signs of Alzheimer’s with almost 100% accuracy

Share on Pinterest A newly developed algorithm may detect early signs of Alzheimer’s. Westend61/Getty Images Written by Robby Berman on September 20, 2021 — Fact checked by Anna Guildford, Ph.D. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) often precedes the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Functional MRI (fMRI) scans can capture subtle signs of MCI, but they are difficult...

Algorithm can predict possible Alzheimer’s with nearly 100 percent accuracy

Algorithm can predict possible Alzheimer’s with nearly 100 percent accuracy

by  Kaunas University of Technology Prof Rytis Maskeliūnas, KTU Faculty of Informatics. Credit: Kaunas University of Technology Researchers from Kaunas universities, Lithuania developed a deep learning-based method that can predict the possible onset of Alzheimer’s disease from brain images with an accuracy of over 99 percent. The method was developed while analyzing functional MRI images obtained from...

Algorithm that performs as accurately as dermatologists

Algorithm that performs as accurately as dermatologists

UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG IMAGE: SAM POLESIE, SAHLGRENSKA ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG  CREDIT: PHOTO: UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG A study has now been presented that boosts the evidence for using AI solutions in skin cancer diagnostics. With an algorithm they devised themselves, scientists at the University of Gothenburg show the capacity of technology to perform at the...

An algorithm that predicts the chances of a person with a latent infection developing tuberculosis

An algorithm that predicts the chances of a person with a latent infection developing tuberculosis

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress An international team of researchers has developed an algorithm that can be used to predict the chances of a person with a latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection developing tuberculosis (TB). In their paper published in the journal Nature Medicine, the group describes surveying thousands of people from multiple countries to amass data on...