Tag: <span>Alzheimer’s disease</span>

Home / Alzheimer’s disease

Beat type 2 diabetes in middle age – and you could fight off Alzheimer’s: Compelling new evidence shows high blood sugar in your 40s may trigger dementia

Study of people with Alzheimer’s found 81 per cent had diabetes or prediabetes Research found cheap diabetes drugs may be able to slow progress of disease The link between diabetes and Alzheimer’s was found by studying brain cells Prof Wharton said insulin resistance could be ‘targeted to improve brain health’ By JO MCFARLANE FOR THE...


Pimavanserin reduced symptoms of dementia-related psychosis in phase 3 trial

A large-scale trial has found a treatment with pimavanserin substantially reduced psychotic symptoms and reduced risk of relapse of those symptoms compared to placebo in people with dementia, a condition for which no treatments are currently licensed UNIVERSITY OF EXETER A large-scale trial has found a treatment with pimavanserin substantially reduced psychotic symptoms and reduced...

Study in mice finds potential therapy to reverse memory loss from Alzheimer’s

Study in mice finds potential therapy to reverse memory loss from Alzheimer’s

by Macquarie University Researchers from Macquarie University have discovered a world-first new treatment that reverses the effects of memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease in a study of mice with advanced dementia. The research, co-led by two brothers, Dr. Arne Ittner and Professor Lars Ittner, from Macquarie University Dementia Research Center, builds on their work...

Antioxidant cocktail key to preventing Alzheimer’s

Antioxidant cocktail key to preventing Alzheimer’s

Research from The University of Western Australia has found a diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants may prevent or even reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. The study, published in Open Biology, found taking a combination of antioxidants at increasing doses was more beneficial at preventing the debilitating disease than any other treatment currently available....

Brain network mechanism causing spatial memory impairment revealed

Brain network mechanism causing spatial memory impairment revealed

by University of California, Irvine New study, led by UCI School of Medicine’s Kei Igarashi, PhD, found that remapping of place cells, a brain circuit function to discriminate distinct environments, was disrupted in Alzheimer’s disease mice. Credit: UCI School of Medicine July 21, 2020—Patients with Alzheimer’s disease frequently suffer from spatial memory loss, such as...

Study points to potential new approach to treating glaucoma and Alzheimer’s disease

Study points to potential new approach to treating glaucoma and Alzheimer’s disease

by Bill Snyder, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) have shown for the first time that when one optic nerve in the eye is damaged, as in glaucoma, the opposite optic nerve comes to the rescue by sharing its metabolic energy. In doing so, however, the undamaged optic nerve becomes...

Scientists identify a new drug target for dry age-related macular degeneration

Scientists identify a new drug target for dry age-related macular degeneration

by Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute Francesca Marassi, Ph.D., director of the Cancer, Molecules and Structures Program at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute and senior author of the study Credit: Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute Scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute have shown that the blood protein vitronectin is a...

“Love hormone” oxytocin could be used to treat cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s

“Love hormone” oxytocin could be used to treat cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s

Scientists discover for the first time that oxytocin could be a potential new therapeutic option for cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease TOKYO UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE OXYTOCIN, THE HORMONE THAT INDUCE FEELINGS OF LOVE AND WELL-BEING WITHIN US, ARE FOUND TO REVERSE SOME OF THE DAMAGE CAUSED BY AMYLOID PLAQUES IN THE LEARNING AND MEMORY…...

A balancing act between immunity and longevity

A balancing act between immunity and longevity

by Max Planck Society As we age, the immune system gradually becomes impaired. One aspect of this impairment is chronic inflammation in the elderly, which means that the immune system is constantly active and sends out inflammatory substances. Such chronic inflammation is associated with multiple age-related diseases including arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease, and impaired immune...

A chemical tailor-made suit for Alzheimer’s drugs

A chemical tailor-made suit for Alzheimer’s drugs

Research team from Göttingen and Halle develops new inhibitors for enzymes PROTEIN CRYSTALS OF THE HUMAN ENZYME GLUTAMINYL CYCLASE AND ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF THE NEW INHIBITOR. view more CREDIT: LISA-MARIE FUNK With over 1.2 million people affected in Germany alone and over 50 million people worldwide, Alzheimer’s disease, also referred to simply as Alzheimer’s, is...