Tag: <span>Alzheimer’s disease</span>

Home / Alzheimer’s disease
Perivascular cells could induce microglial malfunction associated with Alzheimer’s disease

Perivascular cells could induce microglial malfunction associated with Alzheimer’s disease

by Ingrid Fadelli, Medical Xpress Representative 3D reconstructed image showing Homer1 engulfment within CD68+ lysosomes of P2Y12+ microglia. Credit: De Schepper et al Microglia are primary immune cells that safeguard the mammalian brain, partly by devouring or ‘phagocytosing’ pathogens and toxic debris. Recent genetic studies have consistently highlighted the role of microglia in the development of Alzheimer’s...

Calcium-control gene offers new avenue for Alzheimer’s disease therapy

Calcium-control gene offers new avenue for Alzheimer’s disease therapy

By Bronwyn Thompson March 21, 2023 Researchers have found the gene Surf4 plays a role in neural degeneration Depositphotos Nearly six million Americans currently live with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with the figure set to climb to 13.8 million by 2050. And with promising trials failing close to the finish line, researchers are desperate for any breakthroughs that will lead...

Researchers shed light on role of Tip60 enzyme in genetic disruptions that cause Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers shed light on role of Tip60 enzyme in genetic disruptions that cause Alzheimer’s disease

by Drexel University PET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer’s disease. Credit: public domain Researchers from Drexel University have uncovered a novel regulatory mechanism in the brain that is essential for making the right kinds of proteins that promote healthy brain function, and its malfunctioning may be an early contributor of the development of Alzheimer’s...

Study shows new way to spur brain immune cells to clear toxic waste linked to Alzheimer’s disease

Study shows new way to spur brain immune cells to clear toxic waste linked to Alzheimer’s disease

by Nanyang Technological University An image of brain immune cells called microglia (green) clustering around a build-up of toxic beta amyloid (red). Credit: LKCMedicine/NTU Singapore A newly discovered “energy switch” in the immune cells of the brain may lead to the development of drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia. Nanyang Technological...

Modifying messenger RNA may provide a new target for Alzheimer’s disease

Modifying messenger RNA may provide a new target for Alzheimer’s disease

by Public Library of Science Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Reducing the methylation of a key messenger RNA can promote migration of macrophages into the brain and ameliorate symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in a mouse model, according to a new study publishing March 7 in the open access journal PLOS Biology by Rui Zhang of Air Force Medical...

New insights into eye damage in Alzheimer’s disease patients

New insights into eye damage in Alzheimer’s disease patients

by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Spatiotemporal distribution of Aβ42 burden in retinas of MCI and AD patients and relations to brain pathology and cognition. a Illustration depicts analyzed retinal cross-sections in predefined geometrical regions including superior- and inferior temporal (ST/IT) strips (orange) extending from the optic disc (OD) to the ora serrata and separated into subregions: central (C), mid-periphery...

Using radar to predict Alzheimer’s disease and fall accidents

Using radar to predict Alzheimer’s disease and fall accidents

by Karin Wik, Chalmers University of Technology The new method uses a small radar sensor to acquire real-time, high-resolution reading of a person’s walking pattern, especially the time required to take a step. Credit: Chalmers/David Ljungberg Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have developed a method for predicting fall accidents and cognitive illnesses such...

Artifical intelligence approach may help detect Alzheimer’s disease from routine brain imaging tests

Artifical intelligence approach may help detect Alzheimer’s disease from routine brain imaging tests

by Brandon Chase, Massachusetts General Hospital Credit: Pixabay/Pete Linforth. Although investigators have made strides in detecting signs of Alzheimer’s disease using high-quality brain imaging tests collected as part of research studies, a team at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) recently developed an accurate method for detection that relies on routinely collected clinical brain images. The advance could lead...

Researchers discover key role of DNA methylation in Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers discover key role of DNA methylation in Alzheimer’s disease

by The Mount Sinai Hospital Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Mount Sinai researchers have published a study in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association that sheds new light on the role of DNA methylation in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The study found that DNA methylation has a profound impact on gene and protein co-expression networks associated with AD...

Researcher identifies new biomarker of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease

Researcher identifies new biomarker of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease

by El Gibson, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center  Functional pathway analyses of VEC in AD using STRING. Our functional pathway analyses suggest significant interactions of CDH5 with APOE and the NRP1-PLXNA4-SEMA3A complex. The evidence score for CDH5–APOE interaction is 0.41 and that for the CDH5–NRP-1 interaction is 0.51. Data-mining results suggest that CDH5...