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Home / Alzheimer’s drug
New trial finds first-ever Alzheimer’s drug to slow cognitive decline

New trial finds first-ever Alzheimer’s drug to slow cognitive decline

By Rich Haridy September 28, 2022 Over 18 months those on lecanemab showed a 27% slower rate of cognitive decline compared to those in the placebo group Depositphotos Pharmaceutical companies Eisai and Biogen have announced the first results from a Phase 3 human trial testing a drug designed to treat symptoms of dementia associated with...


Promising Alzheimer’s drug may also improve memory in down syndrome and normal aging

UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO ANSCHUTZ MEDICAL CAMPUS A new study shows that a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease may also improve cognitive function in people with Down syndrome. The drug sargramostim (GM-CSF, which stands for granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor) is the first to show memory improvement in Alzheimer’s patients in a phase II clinical trial. GM-CSF is a...


CMS to restrict coverage of Biogen’s controversial Alzheimer’s drug to only clinical trials

by ZACHARY BRENNAN CMS on Tuesday said it will only pay for Biogen’s Aduhelm and other FDA-approved anti-amyloid monoclonal antibodies for Alzheimer’s disease under CMS-approved randomized controlled trials. In a draft national coverage decision, which insurers nationwide are likely to follow, CMS said it’ll be looking for randomized controlled trials that “demonstrate a clinically meaningful benefit in cognition...

New Alzheimer’s drug leads to brain swelling in one-third of patients

New Alzheimer’s drug leads to brain swelling in one-third of patients

By Rich Haridy November 23, 2021 Aducanumab was controversially approved by the FDA in June despite an advisory panel recommending against its approvalracorn/Depositphotos A new study published in the journal JAMA Neurology is reporting more than one in three patients trialing the recently approved Alzheimer’s drug aducanumab experienced brain swelling side effects. The data is the first...


Panel of neuroscience experts lays out the complications with using Biogen’s new Alzheimer’s drug

Zachary Brennan Senior Editor Treatment of early Alzheimer’s patients with Biogen’s new drug Aduhelm should closely resemble how the drug was studied in its pivotal clinical trials, according to new recommendations from a panel of neuroscience experts led by UNLV’s Jeffrey Cummings. Jeffrey Cummings“Those considering aducanumab therapy should understand that the expected benefit is slowing...

FDA grants historic approval to Alzheimer’s drug designed to slow cognitive decline

FDA grants historic approval to Alzheimer’s drug designed to slow cognitive decline

By Adam Feuerstein  and Damian Garde  June 7, 2021 Reprints ALEX HOGAN/STAT The Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved the first new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease in nearly two decades, a landmark decision that has been eagerly awaited by millions of Americans diagnosed with the condition but that will be hotly contested by some in the...


Alzheimer’s drug candidates reverse broader aging, study shows

by Salk Institute In mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease, the investigational drug candidates known as CMS121 and J147 improve memory and slow the degeneration of brain cells. Now, Salk researchers have shown how these compounds can also slow aging in healthy older mice, blocking the damage to brain cells that normally occurs during aging and...


How two experimental Alzheimer’s drugs reverse aging

New research in mice reveals the mechanisms through which two experimental drugs that may treat Alzheimer’s disease have broader, anti-aging properties and can reverse age-related cognitive decline. Family history, genes, and some lifestyle choices all influence a person’s risk of Alzheimer’s disease, but age is the greatest risk factor that researchers are aware of. New...