Tag: <span>Alzheimer’s Treatment</span>

Home / Alzheimer’s Treatment
Potential Alzheimer’s treatment would use high-frequency terahertz radiation

Potential Alzheimer’s treatment would use high-frequency terahertz radiation

by Chinese Academy of Sciences Schematic of the main content of this study. a The presence of extracellular β-amyloid deposition as neuritic plaques and the intracellular accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau as neuro fibrillary tangles remain the primary neuropathologic features for AD diagnosis, and the amyloid deposition begins with the conversion of native monomers with more α-helices...


New Gene Discovery Predicted To Yield Life-Changing Alzheimer’s Treatment

By Hank Berrien Apr 11, 2023 DailyWire.com A group of scientists at Cardiff University have revealed stunning information that could lead to life-changing treatment for sufferers of the most common form of Alzheimer’s disease in the next 15 years. The research by the scientific team started in 2009, and in 2022 they announced they had found three genes...

Early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease by targeting toxic soluble Aβ oligomers

Early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease by targeting toxic soluble Aβ oligomers

by Bar-Ilan University (A) Potential influence of azaGly residue on hydrogen-bonding of cyclic D,L-α-hexapeptide nanotubes which share common cross β-sheet structures with (B) Aβ. For clarity, all side chains have been omitted. (C) Structures of cyclic D,L-α-peptide 1 and azaGly-cyclopeptides (2-7). Credit: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2210766119 More than 55 million people worldwide were...

Pigs with gene defect provide new perspectives for the treatment of Alzheimer’s

Pigs with gene defect provide new perspectives for the treatment of Alzheimer’s

by Aarhus University Graphical abstract. Credit: Cell Reports Medicine (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2022.100740 For decades, researchers from all over the world have been working hard to understand Alzheimer’s disease. Now, a collaboration between the Department of Biomedicine and the Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University has resulted in a flock of minipigs that could lead to a...

Scientists discover and characterize a novel membraneless organelle that could play a role in Alzheimer’s treatment

Scientists discover and characterize a novel membraneless organelle that could play a role in Alzheimer’s treatment

by University of California – Santa Barbara Membraneless organelle. Credit: UC Santa Barbara Researchers in UC Santa Barbara neuroscientist Kenneth S. Kosik’s lab have discovered a novel organelle—a previously unknown cell structure whose function it is to help clean up faulty proteins in times of stress and keep cells functioning in top condition. Optimizing this...

Costly Alzheimer’s treatment is spreading around the world, with virtually no science to back it up

Costly Alzheimer’s treatment is spreading around the world, with virtually no science to back it up

By Jonathan Moens June 1, 2022 The visual display of the Neurolith device helps clinicians know what brain regions they are targeting using sound waves. STORZ MEDICAL BERLIN — Looking more like a barber than a doctor, orthopedic surgeon Musa Citak squirted gel on his patient’s head and massaged the gooey substance into his scalp...


A potential target for Alzheimer’s treatment? Researchers unearth new immune response pathway

Lei Lei Wu News Reporter Most Alzheimer’s drugs, including Biogen’s aducanumab (Aduhelm) and Eli Lilly’s donanemab, target amyloid plaques, misfolded protein clumps that build up in the brain, which are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. However, researchers from Weill Cornell have uncovered an alternate immune response pathway that could be a potential target for new...


Precision medicine data dive shows water pill may be viable to test as Alzheimer’s treatment

by  National Institutes of Health PET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer’s disease. Credit: public domain A commonly available oral diuretic pill approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration may be a potential candidate for an Alzheimer’s disease treatment for those who are at genetic risk, according to findings published in Nature Aging. The research...

Mouse experiments with a decades-old drug suggest a new approach to Alzheimer’s treatment

Mouse experiments with a decades-old drug suggest a new approach to Alzheimer’s treatment

By Megan Molteni  Oct. 11, 2021 Reprints ADOBE Ageneric drug used widely to treat swelling associated with hypertension and heart failure showed hints in early research that it may also prevent the devastating brain damage of Alzheimer’s disease, a surprising twist that suggests scientists have a lot more to learn about the root cause of the...

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