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Home / Alzhiemers

High LDL linked to early-onset Alzheimer’s

by Veterans Affairs Research Communications Researchers with the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Emory University have found a link between high LDL cholesterol levels and early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. The results could help doctors understand how the disease develops and what the possible causes are, including genetic variation. According to Dr. Thomas Wingo, lead author...


Device continuously monitors the symptoms of patients with Parkinson’s

by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya  Until now, the lack of precise, continuous data on the clinical status of individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease throughout the day was one of the main difficulties faced by neurologists in charge of adapting treatment. Now, this obstacle has been overcome with a new device called STAT-ON. It is a small sensor held in...


Researchers block protein that plays a key role in Alzheimer’s disease

by  Lund University In recent years, it has become increasingly clear to researchers that the protein galectin-3 is involved in inflammatory diseases in the brain. A study led by researchers at Lund University in Sweden now shows the de facto key role played by the protein in Alzheimer’s disease. When the researchers shut off the gene that produces this protein in mice, the amount of Alzheimer’s plaque and the inflammatory load both decreased. Researchers at Lund...

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