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RethiNKing which immune cells are the best weapon against lung cancer

RethiNKing which immune cells are the best weapon against lung cancer

WALTER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE AUSTRALIAN RESEARCHERS HAVE IDENTIFIED ‘NATURAL KILLER’ CELLS AS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF ANTI-TUMOUR IMMUNITY TO LUNG CANCER. IMAGE: SECTIONS OF LUNG CONTAINING TUMOURS, BY DR KAREN DOGGETT Immune cells called ‘natural killer’ (NK) cells could be a powerful weapon for fighting lung cancer, according to Australian researchers. Studying preclinical and...

Study: Portable, point-of-care COVID-19 test could bypass the lab

Study: Portable, point-of-care COVID-19 test could bypass the lab

by Liz Ahlberg Touchstone, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois researchers developed a microfluidic cartridge for a 30-minute COVID-19 test. The cartridges are 3D-printed and could be manufactured quickly. Credit: Bill King, University of Illinois As COVID-19 continues to spread, bottlenecks in supplies and laboratory personnel have led to long waiting times for results in...


Widely used blood test could advance heart failure treatment

NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Biomedical experts believe that half of heart failure patients likely have low levels of the thyroid hormone T3 in their cardiac tissue. While heart failure symptoms are commonly attributed to cardiovascular conditions like coronary artery disease and high blood pressure, a growing number of studies suggest that low cardiac T3...

Aging and diet lead to proteome changes in the intestinal epithelium

Aging and diet lead to proteome changes in the intestinal epithelium

by Fritz Lipmann Institute on the proteome of the intestinal epithelium and leads to age-related impairments in adaptation to nutrient availability. (Source: FLI / Alessandro Ori & Nadja Gebert. Created with BioRender.com) The small intestine is one of the most important interfaces between the environment and our body. It is responsible for nutrient absorption but...


Cracking the Lyme disease code

NEWS RELEASE 30-APR-2020 Cracking the Lyme disease code WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PRINT E-MAIL IMAGE: THIS IS ABDUL LONE. view more CREDIT: WSU The next time a tick feeds on you, Washington State University researchers hope to make sure persistent arthritis caused by Lyme disease doesn’t linger for a lifetime. Troy Bankhead, associate professor in WSU’s...


Russian scientists learned to perform the diagnose by analyzing saliva

Researchers developed a unique method of immune diseases diagnosing the symptoms appear. Nature endowed the human with a unique protective system, the immunity. It is capable to protect the body from different external and internal effects. However, disorders of the immune system lead to various diseases from allergy and type I diabetes to more dangerous autoimmune...