Tag: <span>Angelman syndrome</span>

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Gene therapy shows early promise as angelman syndrome treatment

Gene therapy shows early promise as angelman syndrome treatment

by  University of North Carolina Health Care Credit: CC0 Public Domain Scientists at the UNC School of Medicine have reported in the journal JCI Insight encouraging early tests of a gene therapy strategy against Angelman syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder that features poor muscle control and balance, hard-to-treat epilepsy, and intellectual disabilities. Angelman syndrome affects roughly one in every 20,000 children,...


Innovative research uncovers mechanism behind epilepsy in Angelman syndrome

Innovative research uncovers mechanism behind epilepsy in Angelman syndrome SINGAPORE, 15 January 2020 – A key mechanism underlying neuronal dysfunction in Angelman syndrome (AS), a syndromic form of autism spectrum disorder, has – for the first time – been revealed through innovative research led by Duke-NUS Medical School and the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) under...