Tag: <span>anti-bacteria</span>

Home / anti-bacteria

New group of antibacterial molecules identified

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, Umeå University, and the University of Bonn have identified a new group of molecules that have an antibacterial effect against many antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Since the properties of the molecules can easily be altered chemically, the hope is to develop new, effective antibiotics with few side effects. The findings have been published...


Drug resistance: ‘Trojan horse’ compound kills bacteria from within

Gallium — an iron-like compound — looks similar to food and can trick bacteria into eating it. Once inside, it destroys the microbes. In a new study, researchers successfully used the compound to treat lung infections in mice and humans. By distrupting their nutrition, we could kill bacteria from within. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have deemed antibiotic resistance “one of...