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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde — Enzyme targeted by TB antibiotic later stops the drug destroying it

THE FRANCIS CRICK INSTITUTE Crick and Imperial researchers have found that a key antibiotic widely used to treat drug-resistant tuberculosis does not work as expected – a finding which could be used to develop new drugs. The study was part-funded by the Francis Crick Institute and the Wellcome Trust. The research, published in Nature Chemical...


Aided by machine learning, scientists find a novel antibiotic able to kill superbugs in mice

By CASEY ROSS For decades, discovering novel antibiotics meant digging through the same patch of dirt. Biologists spent countless hours screening soil-dwelling microbes for properties known to kill harmful bacteria. But as superbugs resistant to existing antibiotics have spread widely, breakthroughs were becoming as rare as new places to dig. Now, artificial intelligence is giving...


New species of antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in infected wound

by University of Gothenburg A hitherto unknown antibiotic-resistant bacteria species, in the same family as E. coli and Salmonella spp., has been found and classified in Sweden. The proposed taxonomic name of the species—the first of the new genus—is Scandinavium goeteborgense, after the city of Gothenburg, where the bacterium was isolated and the research was...


Researchers make breakthrough in understanding enzymes that assemble the antibiotic enacyloxin

Reviewed by James Ives, M.Psych. (Editor) One of the WHO’s three critical priority pathogens, Acinetobacter baumannii, for which new antibiotics are urgently needed is one step closer to being tackled, as researchers from the Department of Chemistry – University of Warwick have made a breakthrough in understanding the enzymes that assemble the antibiotic enacyloxin. Acinetobacter...


The solution to antibiotic resistance could be in your kitchen sponge

AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MICROBIOLOGY San Francisco, CA – June 23, 2019 – Researchers from the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) have discovered bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria, living in their kitchen sponges. As the threat of antibiotic resistance increases, bacteriophages, or phages for short, may prove useful in fighting bacteria that cannot be killed by antibiotics alone. The research...


Antibiotics, Taken Strategically, Could Actually Help Defeat Antibiotic Resistance

In the war on antibiotic-resistant bacteria, it’s not just the antibiotics that are making the enemy stronger but also how they are prescribed. A new study suggests that doctors can beat antibiotic resistance using those same antibiotics but in a very targeted manner and in combination with other health strategies. The current broad application of antibiotics helps resistant bacterial strains evolve forward. But using data about...


Using Antibiotics For More Than 2 Months Increases Women’s Risk For Heart Attack And Stroke

By Allan Adamson Women who use antibiotics over a long period face increased risk of suffering from heart attack or stroke. Using antibiotics for more than two months may increase risk of heart disease by destroying good bacteria in the gut. Duration Of Antibiotic Use And Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease In the new study, researchers looked at the data of 36,429 women spanning between 2004 and 2012. The participants were at least 60 years old when the...


Fighting deadly drug resistant bacteria in intestines with new antibiotic

A new antibiotic developed by a Flinders University researcher is being heralded as a breakthrough in the war against a drug resistant superbug. IMAGE: WHEN DOSES OF A NEW ANTIBIOTIC CALLED RAMIZOL WERE GIVEN TO HAMSTERS INFECTED WITH A LETHAL DOSE OF THE BACTERIA, A SIGNIFICANT PROPORTION OF HAMSTERS SURVIVED THE INFECTION. view more CREDIT:...