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NEJM: Anticoagulants help moderately ill COVID-19 patients

Moderately ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have better chances of survival if treated with therapeutic-dose anticoagulation, according to an international study involving 121 sites, including UT Southwestern Medical Center. Moderately ill COVID-19 patients treated with therapeutic-dose anticoagulation with unfractionated or low molecular-weight heparin were 27% less likely to need cardiovascular respiratory organ support such as intubation, said Ambarish...

COVID-19 causes pulmonary arterial thrombosis and damages other organs as well as the lungs

COVID-19 causes pulmonary arterial thrombosis and damages other organs as well as the lungs

by Mag. Johannes Angerer, Medical University of Vienna COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, not only may lead to severe pneumonia but also to thrombosis in the lungs and, subsequently, to multi organ failure involving kidneys, liver and pancreas. These are the findings of a first major series of autopsies in Austria, conducted as part...


Thirty-three percent of people on anticoagulants take OTC supplements with potentially serious interactions

by  University of California, Los Angeles Credit: CC0 Public Domain Nearly 98% percent of people prescribed direct-acting oral anticoagulants such as apixaban used over-the-counter products. Of those, 33% took at least one such product that, in combination with the anticoagulants, could cause dangerous internal bleeding. People on these medications largely lacked knowledge of some potentially serious...


Oral anticoagulants plus antiplatelets associated with poor outcome in atrial fibrillation

Munich, Germany – 28 Aug 2018: Combined oral anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy is associated with a worse prognosis than anticoagulation alone in newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation patients without a clear indication for antiplatelets, according to late breaking results from the GARFIELD-AF registry presented today at ESC Congress 2018.1  Professor Keith Fox, principal investigator, University of...