Tag: <span>Antioxidant</span>

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Metabolic syndrome patients need more vitamin C to break cycle of antioxidant depletion

CORVALLIS, Ore. – A higher intake of vitamin C is crucial for metabolic syndrome patients trying to halt a potentially deadly cycle of antioxidant disruption and health-related problems, an Oregon State University researcher says. That’s important news for the estimated 35 percent of the U.S. adult population that suffers from the syndrome. “What these findings...


Osteoarthritis: Can an antioxidant offer protection?

In a recent series of experiments, scientists found that a specific antioxidant helps prevent the damage that osteoarthritis causes to cartilage. This may also have applications for bone and brain disorders. Osteoarthritis is the most common arthritis type, causing pain and stiffness in the joints as cartilage steadily breaks down. Osteoarthritis commonly affects knee joints....


Novel antioxidant makes old blood vessels seem young again

Older adults who take a novel antioxidant that specifically targets cellular powerhouses, or mitochondria, see age-related vascular changes reverse by the equivalent of 15 to 20 years within six weeks, according to new University of Colorado Boulder research. The study, published this week in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting...


Cell-based therapy success could be boosted by new antioxidant

Cell therapies being developed to treat a range of conditions could be improved by a chemical compound that aids their survival, research suggests. Lab tests found that the man-made molecule – a type of antioxidant – helps to shield healthy cells from damage such as would be caused when they are transplanted into a patient during cell therapy....


Antioxidant found in breast milk prevents liver disease, study finds

Antioxidants are believed to prevent some chronic illnesses – such as cardiovascular disease and cancer – due to their ability to protect against cell damage. New research suggests that a common antioxidant may also protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.   A new study suggests that an antioxidant commonly found in breast milk could help...

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