September 12, 2024 by Corinne Purtill, Los Angeles Times Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAs diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder have increased in the last two decades, so have the number of experimental and off-label therapies seeking to address the condition. For parents navigating the complex and often contradictory landscape of autism interventions—while also balancing medical appointments,...
Tag: <span>Autism</span>
Study suggests prenatal diet may play a role in autism
JULY 19, 2024 by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress Credit: Amina Filkins from PexelsA small team of public health specialists from the University of Glasgow and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health reports a possible link between some cases of autism and prenatal diet. In their study, published in JAMA Network Open, the group analyzed...
Gut Biomarkers Accurately Flag Autism Spectrum Disorder
Medscape Medical News Megan Brooks July 09, 2024 Bacterial and nonbacterial components of the gut microbiome and their function can accurately differentiate children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from neurotypical children, new research shows. The findings could form the basis for development of a noninvasive diagnostic test for ASD and also provide novel therapeutic targets,...
Research explains why board games so popular among many people with autism
JULY 12, 2024 by Amy King, University of Plymouth Credit: Pavel Danilyuk from PexelsBoard gaming is a growing industry, and anecdotally popular among people who display autistic traits. Now new research has highlighted the science supporting the anecdote—and, for the first time, the important reasons behind the link. Led by researchers at the University of...
Family psychiatric history: Effects on siblings of children with autism
JUNE 19, 2024 by Yale University Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainChildren who have an older sibling with autism spectrum disorder (autism) are at greater risk of developmental vulnerabilities if they also have other relatives with neurodevelopmental or psychiatric conditions, according to a new study from the Yale Child Study Center. Researchers found that the siblings of...
False belief in MMR vaccine-autism link endures as measles threat persists, finds survey
by Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania The CDC has said there is no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and getting autism, but an April 2024 survey finds that a quarter of U.S. adults think that statement is inaccurate. This finding is consistent with prior surveys by the Annenberg...
Researchers report on designing autism-inclusive health care environments
by Marilyn Perkins, Thomas Jefferson University Journey Map. Credit: PI at Swank Autism Center in Wilmington, DE, 2021Autism is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in the U.S., affecting an estimated one out of 36 children. Most people with autism experience unique sensory features such as differences in reactivity to touch, sounds, and sights or difficulty...
Study reveals unexpected literacy in autistic people who cannot speak
by University of Virginia College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAbout one-third of autistic people are unable to communicate using speech, and most are never provided an effective alternative. However, a new study from scientists at the University of Virginia suggests that many of these individuals are literate, raising the possibility...
A ‘gene of prejudice’ could help explain variations in human personality and demystify autism
by University of California – San Diego Credit: Cell Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.113867Individuals with the neurodevelopmental disorder Williams syndrome have a gregarious “cocktail party” personality, while those with the opposite genetic alteration, in contrast, tend to have autistic traits and are prone to struggle socially. Now, thanks to new findings by researchers at the Sanford Stem...
A simple eye reflex test may be able to assess autism in children
by University of California, San Francisco Graphical abstract. Credit: Neuron (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.01.029Scientists at UC San Francisco may have discovered a new way to test for autism by measuring how children’s eyes move when they turn their heads. They found that kids who carry a variant of a gene that is associated with severe autism are...