Tag: <span>Bad sleep</span>

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How excessive daytime sleepiness can affect heart health

If you have a difficult time staying awake and alert during the day, you may be experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness. Dr. Virend Somers, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist with a focus on sleep medicine, explains the difference between being tired and being sleepy and how excessive daytime sleepiness can have a negative effect on the heart....


Childhood sleep disturbance linked to suicidal thoughts and behaviors two years later

Association between sleep disturbance at age 10 years and suicidal behavior at age 12 years. Credit: JAMA Network Open (2024). DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.33734 Kids who have a lot of difficulty sleeping are at heightened risk for developing suicidal thoughts and behaviors as they enter adolescence, a new Stanford Medicine-led study found. The research, published recently in JAMA Network Open, tracked more...

Bad sleep, bad diet… bad heart?

Bad sleep, bad diet… bad heart?

(HealthDay)—It’s a dangerous equation: Poor sleep triggers a bad diet, and the two can equal a higher risk for obesity and heart disease in women, a new study contends. “Women are particularly prone to sleep disturbances across the life span, because they often shoulder the responsibilities of caring for children and family and, later, because...