Tag: <span>behavioral problems</span>

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Study links structural brain changes to behavioral problems in children who snore

Study links structural brain changes to behavioral problems in children who snore

by  National Institutes of Health Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A large study of children has uncovered evidence that behavioral problems in children who snore may be associated with changes in the structure of their brain’s frontal lobe. The findings support early evaluation of children with habitual snoring (snoring three or more nights a week). The research,...


A pursuit of better testing to sort out the complexities of ADHD

OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS, Ohio – The introduction of computer simulation to the identification of symptoms in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has potential to provide an additional objective tool to gauge the presence and severity of behavioral problems, Ohio State University researchers suggest in a new publication. Most mental health disorders are diagnosed and treated...


Less screen time, more sleep, better-behaved kids

by Amy Norton (HealthDay)—School kids who get to bed early rather than staring at their devices at night may be better equipped to control their behavior, a new study suggests. Researchers found that 8- to 11-year-olds who got adequate sleep and had limits on “screen time” were less likely than their peers to report problems...