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Could birth control pills ease concussion symptoms in female athletes?

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Higher progesterone level is protective in mild traumatic brain injury Blood flow in brain is linked to progesterone and stress symptom levels Most concussion research has been focused on male athletes  CHICAGO — Could birth control pills help young female athletes recover faster from concussions and reduce their symptoms?  A new Northwestern Medicine pilot study...


COVID-19 may increase risk of blot cots in women who are pregnant or taking birth control pills

Reviewed by James Ives, M.Psych. (Editor) COVID-19 may increase the risk of blot cots in women who are pregnant or taking estrogen with birth control or hormone replacement therapy, according to a new manuscript published in the Endocrine Society’s journal, Endocrinology. One of the many complications of COVID-19 is the formation of blood clots in...


New research shows birth control pills may help prevent this fatal disease

By: James Groh A new study shows that women who take birth control pills are less likely to develop the most aggressive types of ovarian cancer. “Among those who used the birth control pills, there were 46 percent lower odds of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer that resulted in death within 12 months of the diagnosis,” Jennifer Mongiovi, a PhD student at the University at Buffalo and...


Second male birth control pill passes human safety tests

A new male birth control pill passed tests of safety and tolerability when healthy men used it daily for a month, and it produced hormone responses consistent with effective contraception, according to researchers at two institutions testing the drug. The Phase 1 study results were presented at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in New Orleans. Stephanie Page,...


Women’s wellness: Is endometriosis a risk factor for ovarian cancer?

Q: I just found out I have endometriosis, which my mother also has. She says endometriosis raises our risk of ovarian cancer, so I should have children early and then get a hysterectomy. What’s the real story? A: It sounds like your mother jumped to the wrong conclusion. Endometriosis and ovarian cancer are linked, but the relationship isn’t straight cause and effect. Although ovarian cancer occurs at higher rates in...