Tag: <span>blood-brain barrier</span>

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Nanoparticles Cross Blood-Brain Barrier to Treat Stroke

NOVEMBER 7TH, 2019 MEDGADGET EDITORS CRITICAL CARE, EMERGENCY MEDICINE, MATERIALS, MEDICINE, NANOMEDICINE, NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY Ischemic strokes can cause havoc in the brain, but early and properly directed treatment can mitigate a lot of damage. While there are a number of options to unclog blocked arteries, the potential to provide additional drug therapy remains mostly unexplored...


First FDA-approved study of focused ultrasound to open blood-brain barrier

In the first such clinical trial in the United States, physician-scientists with the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) are investigating the use of MRI-guided focused ultrasound to open the blood-brain barrier. The trial will be conducted with patients undergoing brain cancer surgery at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). The blood-brain barrier is a...


Repairing a leaky blood-brain barrier in epilepsy

The representative immunostaining for MMP-2 (left), MMP-9 (middle) and the negative control (right; overlay of green, blue and transmitted light channels) in isolated rat brain capillaries. MMPs are shown in green; nuclei were …more   Blocking the activity of an enzyme that has a key role in the generation of recurring seizures may provide a new...


Bee venom blasts through blood brain barrier to bring medicine

Bee venom could be the key to delivering drugs across the blood brain barrier   Getting medication to the brain can be tricky because of the blood brain barrier, which acts like a semipermeable wall between the circulatory system and the fluid surrounding the brain to restrict access to the all-important organ. Certain peptides in...


Gelatin accelerates healing of the blood brain barrier in acute brain injury

Researchers already know that gelatin-covered electrode implants cause less damage to brain tissue than electrodes with no gelatin coating. Researchers at the Neuronano Research Centre (NRC) at Lund University in Sweden have now shown that microglia, the brain’s cleansing cells, and the enzymes that the cells use in the cleaning process, change in the presence...


New insights into complex processes of blood-brain barrier developing

The blood-brain barrier is a crucial protection mechanism: It is a highly selective physical barrier that prevents pathogens and toxins in the circulatory system from entering the central nervous system where they could create havoc. At the same time, however, it prevents many therapeutic drugs from reaching the brain, making it much more difficult to...


Building a better blood-brain barrier model

Delivering drugs to the brain is no easy task. The blood-brain barrier -a protective sheath of tissue that shields the brain from harmful chemicals and invaders – cannot be penetrated by most therapeutics that are injected into a person’s blood stream. But for treating diseases of the central nervous system and cancers such as glioblastoma,...


Mannitol-enhanced delivery of stem cells and their growth factors across the blood-brain barrier

Abstract Ischemic brain injury in adults and neonates is a significant clinical problem with limited therapeutic interventions. Currently, clinicians have only tPA available for stroke treatment and hypothermia for cerebral palsy. Owing to the lack of treatment options, there is a need for novel treatments such as stem cell therapy. Various stem cells including cells...


Changes in blood-brain barrier, intestinal permeability found in individuals with autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has the dubious distinction of being the fastest-growing developmental disability in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With 1 in every 68 children born in this country diagnosed with ASD, parents are looking everywhere for answers about best treatments. Along with selective medication to treat certain...

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