Tag: <span>bloodstream</span>

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Warburg effect: Sugar-tagging helps drug compounds to target human prostate cancer cells

Warburg effect: Sugar-tagging helps drug compounds to target human prostate cancer cells

Scientists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), together with German and Russian colleagues, have developed a lead compound to fight chemotherapy-resistant prostate cancer. The original design comes out as scientists combine biologically active molecules from the chemically modified pigment of sea urchins with glucose molecules to deliver the active drug substance inward the tumor cells....

New therapy reduces chronic low back pain in large international study

New therapy reduces chronic low back pain in large international study

by University of Rochester Medical Center A new study has found that tanezumab, a monoclonal antibody that inhibits nerve activity, provides relief in patients with chronic low back pain, one of the leading reasons why people seek medical care and the number one cause of disability worldwide. “This demonstration of efficacy is a major breakthrough...

Study suggests metastasis gets its start much earlier than thought

Study suggests metastasis gets its start much earlier than thought

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress A team of researchers from Stanford University in the U.S. and Southern University of Science and Technology in China has found evidence that suggests metastasis of cancerous tumors may get its start much earlier than previously thought. In their paper published in the journal Nature Genetics, the group describes...

Blood cells could serve as a ‘thermometer’ to detect breast cancer

Blood cells could serve as a ‘thermometer’ to detect breast cancer

by Maria Fernanda Ziegler, FAPESP Immune system cells in the blood of breast cancer patients undergo alterations early in the disease course, according to a study published in the journal Clinical & Translational Immunology. The authors believe that this discovery may contribute to the early identification of aggressive tumors and help enhance personalized immunotherapy strategies...

Are starchy snacks or sports supplements better for muscle recovery?

Are starchy snacks or sports supplements better for muscle recovery?

When it comes to replenishing muscles after exercise, sports energy bars and drinks are no better than cheap, carb-rich foods, such as potato pancakes, hash browns, and fries, a new study suggests. The manufacturers of sports energy bars and drinks market them as providing an “edge” for amateur and professional athletes. The implicit claim is...

Blood clots in severe Covid-19 patients leave clinicians with clues about the illness— but no proven treatments

Blood clots in severe Covid-19 patients leave clinicians with clues about the illness— but no proven treatments

Doctors treating the sickest Covid-19 patients have zeroed in on a new phenomenon: Some people have developed widespread blood clots, their lungs peppered with tiny blockages that prevent oxygen from pumping into the bloodstream and body. A number of doctors are now trying to blast those clots with tPA, or tissue plasminogen activator, an antithrombotic...

The human brain’s meticulous interface with the bloodstream now on a precision chip

The human brain’s meticulous interface with the bloodstream now on a precision chip

This new human blood-brain barrier on a chip gets its surprising edge by giving astrocytes 3D living space GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A scrupulous gatekeeper stands between the brain and its circulatory system to let in the good and keep out the bad, but this porter, called the blood-brain barrier, also blocks trial drugs to...

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