Tag: <span>body heat</span>

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New technology uses body heat to power a wearable fever detector

New technology uses body heat to power a wearable fever detector

Researchers at Texas A&M University have developed battery technology that uses thermal energy from body heat to power a wearable device that detects fever. The unobtrusive device allows for rapid public temperature checks and accurate fever detection in large groups of people, saving time and resources. The team, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, published the results...

Boosting body heat production: A new approach for treating obesity

Boosting body heat production: A new approach for treating obesity

GARVAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH IMAGE: CO-SENIOR AUTHOR DR YAN-CHUAN SHI CREDIT: GARVAN INSTITUTE A receptor that helps conserve energy when food is scarce may be the key to a safer approach to treating diet-induced obesity, research led by the Garvan Institute of Medical Research has revealed.  In a study using experimental models and fat tissue biopsies from obese individuals,...


Brain receptor that regulates body heat may also help accelerate weight loss

by The Scripps Research Institute The brain mechanism that enables us to maintain a constant body temperature may also be the key to rapid weight loss, a new study finds. In experiments involving mice that were given a calorie-restricted diet, scientists at Scripps Research discovered that blocking a brain receptor that normally regulates body heat...