Tag: <span>bone fracture risk</span>

Home / bone fracture risk

A ‘skeletal age’ calculator to predict bone fracture risk

GARVAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH Researchers at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research have developed a computational model to calculate ‘skeletal age’, a personalised estimate of an individual’s risk of bone fracture and premature death.  The skeletal age calculator, which will be accessible to doctors and health professionals, aims to better identify those at risk...

Genetic link found between diabetes and bone fracture risk

Genetic link found between diabetes and bone fracture risk

by Calley Jones,  Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Credit: CC0 Public Domain A new method for studying gene function shows how high blood sugar and bone density are connected in diabetes patients. Scientists have discovered thousands of genetic variants—tiny changes in the genetic code—that are linked to increased risk of various diseases. Learning what these variants...