Tag: <span>brain-boosting supplements</span>

Home / brain-boosting supplements

Boosting immune system a potential treatment strategy for COVID-19

by Jim Dryden, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Front-line health-care providers work with seriously ill COVID-19 patients in an intensive care unit at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. New research from scientists at Washington University School of Medicine suggests that the immune systems of such patients can’t do enough to protect them...


Some brain-boosting supplements contain an unapproved drug that could harm users, study warns

By ELIZABETH COONEY @cooney_liz NOVEMBER 25, 2019 The FDA has sent warning letters to companies including Pure Nootropics for selling piracetam as a dietary supplement.FDA Promising to lift brain fog or improve memory, brain-boosting supplements have joined sexual-enhancement and weight-loss remedies in the lightly regulated world of dietary supplements. These products may be sold legally with broad-brush...