Tag: <span>Brain Training</span>

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Brain tunes itself to criticality, maximizing information processing

Posted Today Researchers long wondered how the billions of independent neurons in the brain come together to reliably build a biological machine that easily beats the most advanced computers. All of those tiny interactions appear to be tied to something that guarantees an impressive computational capacity. Over the past 20 years, evidence mounted in support of a...


Game that trains your brain by showing you real-time scans of your mind at work can boost your mental skills in less than an HOUR, experts say

Researchers  asked 36 healthy adults to imagine moving their left hand    Half were shown a display if they were activating the right parts of their brains The others were given false readings as a placebo to confirm the game’s impact Activity in the brains of those who weren’t given the placebo was stronger  By TIM COLLINS FOR...


Train your brain, change your brain

Scientists developed a technique for brain training capable to induce changes of neural networks in less than one hour. D’OR INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION Less than one hour of brain training with neurofeedback leads to a strengthening of neural connections and communication among brain areas. This is the main finding of a new study conducted at D’Or Institute for Research...


Reeling from the news? Train your brain to feel better with these 4 techniques

Americans have been barraged in the past couple of weeks by a series of major news events – some of them unsettling. President Trump’s trip to Europe left many unsettled about the future of the decades-old U.S. relations with Europe, and a summit with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin left many uneasy when Trump did not forcefully...


The Digest: VR Treatment, Even Without a Therapist, Helps People Overcome Fear of Heights

OVERCOMING ACROPHOBIA. Afraid of heights? You’re not alone. In fact, acrophobia is one of the most common fears in the world. Now, a team of European researchers has found a new way to help people overcome their fear, no need to climb on any ledges or even talk to a therapist. The researchers enlisted 100 volunteers for their...


Huntington’s disease—how brain training games could help

July 9, 2018 by Emma Yhnell, The Conversation In the search for new treatments, science often focuses on medication first. But drugs aren’t the only way to fight illness, particularly when looking at brain diseases. My research looks into how playing specially designed computer games might help people who are living with Huntington’s disease. Huntington’s is a brain disorder that gets...


Better connectivity of brain regions with training

Researchers at the Leibniz-Institutes für Wissensmedien (IWM) and of the Graduate School and Research Network LEAD at the University of Tübingen now found out: Short and intensive arithmetic training strengthens the neuronal connections between brain regions in adults. This neuronal plasticity through numerical learning was already detectable after only five training sessions. Results of the...


Mapping the brain with data science

Patients with dementia and other neural diseases show physical symptoms such as stumbling and confusion, but identifying the problem isn’t as simple as taking an X-ray. A group of researchers at Purdue University are designing data-driven tools that will help clinicians better understand the progression of neurodegenerative diseases by identifying and tracking changes in the brain. A...