Tag: <span>Brain waves</span>

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Traveling brain waves help detect hard-to-see objects

Traveling brain waves help detect hard-to-see objects

by  Salk Institute Imagine that you’re late for work and desperately searching for your car keys. You’ve looked all over the house but cannot seem to find them anywhere. All of a sudden you realize your keys have been sitting right in front of you the entire time. Why didn’t you see them until now? Now,...

KIST finds a strong correlation between ultrasonic stroke rehabilitation treatment and brain waves

KIST finds a strong correlation between ultrasonic stroke rehabilitation treatment and brain waves

Analysis of changes in the brain waves of stroke lesions by post-stroke ultrasound stimulation. Foundation laid for estimating the therapeutic effects by observing brainwave and the development of a patient-specific stimulation method NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (A) COMPARISON OF IPSILESIONAL (LEFT) AND CONTRALESIONAL (RIGHT) NORMALIZED DELTA POWER BETWEEN STROKE AND LIFU GROUP....

Brain waves can be used to predict future pain sensitivity

Brain waves can be used to predict future pain sensitivity

by University of Birmingham Rhythms produced by the brain can reliably be used to predict how sensitive we are to pain, new research shows. The living brain is constantly producing regular rhythmic patterns of activity, which can be compared to musical notes. Scientists at the University of Birmingham in the UK, and the University of...


Nerve cells use brain waves to judge importance

The precise interaction of brain waves and nerve cells may be decisive for the amazing ability of our brain to separate important from unimportant information, even when we are flooded with stimuli. Researchers at the University of Tübingen and the Technical University of Munich have been able to show through experiments on Rhesus monkeys that...


How much will this hurt? Brain waves may hold the answer

We all feel pain, but our experiences are not equal. A new study demonstrates that by measuring brain activity, we might be able to predict who will be more sensitive to pain. Brain waves may help doctors to understand who is more susceptible to pain. Pain is a strange phenomenon. How painful a particular injury...

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