Tag: <span>brakes</span>

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Putting the brakes on immune reactions

Putting the brakes on immune reactions

by  Rockefeller University The flurry of activity between B cells (blue), T cells (red), and T cells expressing Foxp3 (green), as a germinal center collapses. Credit: Johanne Jacobsen When we are exposed to a pathogen, the immune system’s B cells swarm to our lymph nodes, spleens, and tonsils. There, those cells mutate in germinal centers—microscopic boot...


Tampering with the Brakes

We’ve all seen these people. Maybe at one point in time we’ve actually been these people: messy, falling-down drunk, slurring and incoherent, precariously close to catastrophe … and asking the bartender for another shot. For the majority of us who imbibe, there is a certain point at which we stop pounding the drinks, and many...