Tag: <span>Breast</span>

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‘Good’ virus for common infection

Antibiotic-resistant diabetic foot ulcer application FLINDERS UNIVERSITY Australian researchers have shown how viruses can be used to save lives, developing the potential use of bacteriophages in bandages to treat life-threatening golden staph infections which may not respond to traditional antibiotics. Targeting multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (‘golden staph’) in diabetic foot ulcers, Flinders University microbiology researchers have...


Hope for two million cancer patients: New Immunotherapy is the first to shrink lung, breast and mesothelioma tumors

Immunotherapy is the most cutting edge treatment in cancer therapies  The treatment reprograms patient’s immune cells to attack cancer cells  So far, one of the leading forms is CAR T therapy, but it only works against blood cancers like non-Hodkins lymphoma  But in a world-first, Memorial Sloan Kettering scientists have developed a version of CAR T therapy that can treat...


Douching: more harmful than helpful

Beyond having no proven benefits, douching can cause many health problems, including bacterial and yeast infections. And if you already have a vaginal infection, it can push bacteria up into your reproductive organs, causing pelvic inflammatory disease, which in turn can lead to fertility problems. Douching has been linked to premature births and ectopic pregnancies. Research has also found that it...


Breast Implant Safety Under Debate With New Cancer Risks

Medical experts, patients, and industry representatives review the risks and benefits of breast implants at a two-day public hearing held by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. For years, there’s been an endless debate on the safety of breast implants. On one side, there are multitudes of women who have gone through breastimplants without any problems. On the other hand, there have...