Tag: <span>breast cancer survivors</span>

Home / breast cancer survivors
Breast cancer survivors: New training to treat ‘chemo-brain’

Breast cancer survivors: New training to treat ‘chemo-brain’

by University of Reading Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA form of computerized attention and memory training can improve impaired attention and memory issues in women treated for breast cancer, University of Reading researchers have found. “Chemo-brain” refers to cognitive problems like forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and lapses in everyday attention, which are common side effects of breast cancer...


Breast cancer survivors are less likely to get pregnant, but often have healthy babies and good long-term health

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH SAN ANTONIO – A large meta-analysis of breast cancer survivors of childbearing age indicated that they are less likely than the general public to get pregnant, and they face higher risk of certain complications such as preterm labor. However, most survivors who do get pregnant deliver healthy babies and have no...


Acid reflux drugs may have negative side effects for breast cancer survivors

Study links use of drug with poorer concentration, memory OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS, Ohio – Acid reflux drugs that are sometimes recommended to ease stomach problems during cancer treatment may have an unintended side effect: impairment of breast cancer survivors’ memory and concentration. New Ohio State University research shows an association between breast cancer survivors’...