Tag: <span>Cancer Metastasis</span>

Home / Cancer Metastasis

What does hair loss have to teach us about cancer metastasis?

Understanding how cancer cells are able to metastasize — migrate from the primary tumor to distant sites in the body — and developing therapies to inhibit this process are the focus of many laboratories around the country. Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) have identified one mechanism that regulates signaling events leading...

December 19, 2017December 19, 2017by In Cancer

Researchers Discover The Proteins Responsible For Cancer Metastasis And How To Control Them

Researchers Discover The Proteins Responsible For Cancer Metastasis And How To Control Them  Cancer treatments do not always produce positive results despite advanced treatments and procedures designed to fight off the disease. Even with patients previously cleared of the disease, things could suddenly turn upside down when the tumors come back and quickly spread to other parts of the...

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