Tag: <span>cancer stem cells</span>

Home / cancer stem cells
Cancer stem cells trigger macrophage aging in mouse study

Cancer stem cells trigger macrophage aging in mouse study

by Hokkaido University (Top) Cancer stem cells produce interleukin-6 (IL-6), which induces senescence in macrophages (Mφ). In turn, these produce arginase-1 and inactivate T cells. As a result, cancer cells are not killed by immune system cells, leading to tumor formation. (Bottom) Non-cancer stem cells do not produce IL-6. Macrophages do not age and T cells...

Squamous cell carcinoma study: Cancer stem cells are fueled through dialogue with their environments

Squamous cell carcinoma study: Cancer stem cells are fueled through dialogue with their environments

by Rockefeller University TGF beta signaling (red) is one way that the environment causes cancer stem cells at the stroma-tumor border (green) to become invasive. Living cells are dyed blue. Credit: Shaopeng Yuan What drives tumor growth? Is it a few rogue cells imposing their will upon healthy tissue, or diseased tissue bringing out the...


Uprooting cancer: Hydrogel rapidly reverts cancer cells back to cancer stem cells

HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY A hydrogel, a type of soft matter, developed at Hokkaido University successfully reverted cancer cells back to cancer stem cells within 24 hours, in six different human cancer types. This could lead to the development of anti-cancer stem cell drugs and personalized medicines. An innovative hydrogel – called a double network (DN) gel...

Designer DNA molecule helps hunt down cancer stem cells in blood

Designer DNA molecule helps hunt down cancer stem cells in blood

By Michael Irving January 20, 2021 Multiple myeloma attacks the white blood cells, but a new treatment may help ezumeimages/Depositphotos VIEW 2 IMAGES Like weeds that grow back if you don’t remove the roots, cancer can keep returning thanks to lurking stem cells. Now, researchers have developed a “designer” DNA segment that can eradicate these cancer stem...

New stem cell model to study how cancer arises

New stem cell model to study how cancer arises

by Tabea Kemna, Karolinska Institutet In an interdisciplinary study combining stem cell biology and tumor biology, researchers from Karolinska Institutet (as well as Uppsala and Lund University, together with researchers in Canada, Germany and France), have succeeded in creating a new type of stem cell model for studies on cancer of the brain. The study...


Plant substance inhibits cancer stem cells

Lab experiments show that the chemical compound damsin found in the plant Ambrosia arborescens inhibits the growth and spread of cancer stem cells. The similar but synthetically produced ambrosin has the same positive effect, according to researchers at Lund University and University Major of San Andrés in La Paz, Bolivia. The plant Ambrosia arborescens grows...

October 3, 2017October 3, 2017by In Cancer

Study identifies RNA molecule that shields breast cancer stem cells from immune system

Researchers from Princeton University’s Department of Molecular Biology have identified a small RNA molecule that helps maintain the activity of stem cells in both healthy and cancerous breast tissue. Above, the microscopic image shows …more   Researchers from Princeton University’s Department of Molecular Biology have identified a small RNA molecule that helps maintain the activity of...


Vitamin C can target and kill cancer stem cells, study shows

Cancer is currently one of the top killers worldwide, and the number of cancer cases is only expected to rise. Although there are a number of therapies available, most of them are toxic and cause serious side effects. New research examines the impact of the natural vitamin C on cancer cell growth. In a recent...


Lipid metabolism is potential ‘Achilles’ heel’ for cancer stem cells

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Researchers have discovered a metabolic signature critical for the functioning of “cancer stem cells” that initiate tumor formation. The team also showed how to interfere with this metabolic mechanism in ovarian cancer, inhibiting tumor growth. “The cancer stem cells are resistant to conventional therapies and are responsible for tumor relapse after...