Tag: <span>Candy</span>

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Black licorice is a candy that should inspire caution

Black licorice is a candy that should inspire caution

by Michael Merschel, American Heart Association News  “How do you feel about black licorice?” sounds like a question for starting a simple chat at a Halloween party—or a silly internet fight. It’s a love-it-or-hate-it candy that inspires intense opinions. But if you ask a health expert, expect a serious conversation—because eating lots of black licorice...

Artificial ‘candy canes’ block viruses

Artificial ‘candy canes’ block viruses

By: L. HARTMANN, M. SCHELHAAS Viruses are part of the human experience throughout our lives. They cause lots of different illnesses with the current coronavirus pandemic as just one example. While a vaccine does provide effective protection from viral infections, vaccines are only available for a select number of viruses. This is why antiviral drugs...


Imported Candy at Top of Contaminated Food List in California

More Health Alerts Issued for Lead in Candy than for Salmonella, E. coli or Botulism Following a state law mandating testing, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued more alerts for lead in candy than for the other top three sources of food-borne contamination combined, according to the first analysis of outcomes of the...