Tag: <span>carbohydrate</span>

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The need for nuance in carbohydrate recommendations

FOODMINDS Carbohydrates have traditionally been the largest source of energy intake for much of the world’s population1. However, without a standard definition for carbohydrate quality, some foods that contain carbohydrates are often stigmatized based on isolated and reductionist assessment methods that fail to consider their contributions to nutrient intakes and balanced, healthy diets. A new...

Are starchy snacks or sports supplements better for muscle recovery?

Are starchy snacks or sports supplements better for muscle recovery?

When it comes to replenishing muscles after exercise, sports energy bars and drinks are no better than cheap, carb-rich foods, such as potato pancakes, hash browns, and fries, a new study suggests. The manufacturers of sports energy bars and drinks market them as providing an “edge” for amateur and professional athletes. The implicit claim is...


Is the keto diet safe? USC experts have some serious concerns

The keto diet—a high fat, moderate protein, very low carbohydrate plan—might be eclipsing paleo and Whole30 as the hot diet trend of 2019. The diet calls for cutting out major groups of foods, such as grains, legumes and dairy and sometimes cutting back on certain nutrient-rich vegetables. The idea is to get your body to...


Low carbohydrate diets are unsafe and should be avoided

EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY Munich, Germany – Aug. 28, 2018: Low carbohydrate diets are unsafe and should be avoided, according to a large study presented today at ESC Congress 2018.1 IMAGE: THIS IS A FIGURE. Study author Professor Maciej Banach, of the Medical University of Lodz, Poland, said: “We found that people who consumed a low...