Tag: <span>Cell-based therapy</span>

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A frozen leap forward for age-related macular degeneration stem cell-based therapy

A frozen leap forward for age-related macular degeneration stem cell-based therapy

by Britney Pennington and Lincoln V. Johnson,  University of California – Santa Barbara Credit: CC0 Public Domain Scientists at UC Santa Barbara, University of Southern California (USC), and the biotechnology company Regenerative Patch Technologies LLC (RPT) have reported new methodology for the preservation of RPT’s stem cell-based therapy for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The new research,...


Cell-based therapy success could be boosted by new antioxidant

Cell therapies being developed to treat a range of conditions could be improved by a chemical compound that aids their survival, research suggests. Lab tests found that the man-made molecule – a type of antioxidant – helps to shield healthy cells from damage such as would be caused when they are transplanted into a patient during cell therapy....