Tag: <span>cell formation</span>

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Pressure-driven foam cell formation revealed as key driver of arterial disease, paving the way for new therapies

by Queen Mary, University of London Pressure-driven foam cell formation revealed as key driver of arterial disease, paving the way for new therapiesChronic Yoda1 treatment supports transition to a foam cell phenotype. A-B) Wound scratch assay shows reduced migration of Yoda1 treated A7r5 cells. C) Nanoindentation indicates a lower Young’s Modulus after Yoda1 treatment. D,E)...


Gut hormone blocks brain cell formation and is linked to Parkinson’s dementia

SWANSEA UNIVERSITY A gut hormone, ghrelin, is a key regulator of new nerve cells in the adult brain, a Swansea-led research team has discovered. It could help pave the way for new drugs to treat dementia in patients with Parkinson’s Disease.  Blood-borne factors such as hormones regulate the process of brain cell formation – known as neurogenesis...