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Super-grafts’ that could treat diabetes

By successfully strengthening pancreatic islets before transplantation, researchers at UNIGE and HUG are hoping for a significant improvement in the success of cell transplants in patients with severe diabetes UNIVERSITÉ DE GENÈVE To save patients with a severe form of type 1 diabetes (characterized by the absence of functional insulin-producing cells), pancreatic cell transplantation is sometimes the...


A man who received a stem-cell transplant for multiple sclerosis can walk and dance again after suffering from the disease for a decade

A man in England with multiple sclerosis can walk and dance for the first time in 10 years after receiving a stem cell transplant for the disease. Roy Palmer spent the last decade in a wheelchair without any feeling in his legs. He decided to undergo a procedure known as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) after seeing the results from a television program. Two days after receiving treatment, Palmer regained feelings in his legs. HSCT is still considered to be...