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Late-life exercise shows rejuvenating effects on cellular level

Late-life exercise shows rejuvenating effects on cellular level

JANUARY 21, 2022 by  University of Arkansas Credit: CC0 Public Domain For people who hate exercising, here comes some more bad news: it may also keep you younger. Not just looking younger, but actually younger, on an epigenetic level. By now, the benefits of exercise have been well established, including increased strength of bones and muscles,...

What are Coenzymes?

What are Coenzymes?

By Benedette Cuffari, M.Sc.Reviewed by Sophia Coveney, B.Sc. Coenzymes are essential components of the many metabolic processes that sustain life on the cellular level.   Coenzymes are crucial to mitochondrial metabolic processes. Image Credit: Explode / Shutterstock.com What are coenzymes? A coenzyme is defined as an organic molecule that binds to the active sites of certain enzymes...