Tag: <span>Cerebral Cortex</span>

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Somatostatin neurons cooperate in the cerebral cortex

Somatostatin neurons cooperate in the cerebral cortex

by University of Pittsburgh Graphical abstract. Credit: Cell Reports (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111319 The brain’s cerebral cortex is made up of distinct regions involved in myriad processes, from sensory perception to cognitive functions like memory, attention, and decision-making. University of Pittsburgh neuroscience researchers have found that the properties of one neuron subtype—somatostatin neurons—are specialized in different subregions of...

Inflammatory reactions in multiple sclerosis lead to synapse loss in the cerebral cortex

Inflammatory reactions in multiple sclerosis lead to synapse loss in the cerebral cortex

by  Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich A nerve cell with its dendritic processes studded by synaptic spines (red) being contacted by brain-resident microglia cell (blue) in a mouse brain. Credit: Misgeld & Kerschensteiner Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system, in which nerve cells are attacked by the patient’s...

Scientists uncover mechanisms that wire the brain’s cerebral cortex

Scientists uncover mechanisms that wire the brain’s cerebral cortex

by  Virginia Tech Michael Fox, a professor at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC and director of the School of Neuroscience in Virginia Tech’s College of Science, led a study that may help reveal the molecular underpinnings of seizures and psychiatric disorders. Credit: Virginia Tech A research team led by Michael Fox, a professor at...

A bit of stress might not be so good for us after all, study finds

A bit of stress might not be so good for us after all, study finds

by Vanessa Hrvatin,  University of British Columbia Credit: CC0 Public Domain The notion that a bit of stress makes people perform better has been baked into our everyday lives. But research from UBC neuroscientist Dr. Adele Diamond suggests it might not be so good for us after all. The study, published recently in Cerebral Cortex, found that even mild...