Tag: <span>chemical</span>

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Experimental two-in-one shot may give diabetics a better way to control their blood sugar

Experimental two-in-one shot may give diabetics a better way to control their blood sugar

by Andrew Myers, Stanford University A Stanford research team has developed a way to boost the effectiveness of the insulin injections people with diabetes routinely take to control their blood sugar. Led by materials scientist Eric Appel, the advance might enable patients with diabetes to take a double-acting shot that contains insulin in combination with...


Particles Emitted by Consumer 3D Printers Could Hurt Indoor Air Quality

Posted Today Consumer-grade 3D printers have grown in popularity in recent years, but the particles emitted from such devices can negatively impact indoor air quality and have the potential to harm respiratory health, according to a study from researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and UL Chemical Safety. For the study, which was published...


Why your household dust could fuel the growth of fat cells

By Maria Cohut Fact checked by Gianna D’Emilio Researchers have found that the dust in our households may harbor numerous chemicals that may accelerate the development of fat cells, potentially contributing to obesity. In recent years, researchers and international policymakers have expressed concerns about the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, a class of substances that can interfere with...

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