Tag: <span>Clinical research</span>

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How an injectable, electrode-forming gel could transform clinical research

How an injectable, electrode-forming gel could transform clinical research

Pictured, the injectable gel being tested on a microfabricated circuit. Image credit: Thor Balkhed. Studying the brain is difficult, and often involves invasive techniques, such as using a probe, to gain information about electrical signaling. This means our understanding of exactly how brain signaling works is limited, which has implications for basic science and medical research....


Philanthropist-funded study at a prestigious hospital raises thorny questions about clinical research

The opportunity seemed too good to pass up. It was 2020, and the CEO of a blood-test company was addressing fibromyalgia patients through their television screens. His firm, EpicGenetics, wasn’t exactly a household name, but its product could help get you in the door at Massachusetts General Hospital. “With a positive test,” Bruce Gillis, the CEO, said,...


Most health ‘cures’ you hear about in the news aren’t ready for humans

You might have read something last week about how we’ll have a cure for cancer within the year. You read wrong, but it’s not your fault. Developing a drug to successfully treat a disease—especially cancer—is extremely difficult. Most potential drugs don’t make it all the way to humans. Deposit Photos The Jerusalem Post published an...