Tag: <span>clinical symptoms</span>

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New clinical symptoms identified in largest international case series of confirmed monkeypox cases

New clinical symptoms identified in largest international case series of confirmed monkeypox cases

by Sophia Prout, Queen Mary, University of London Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A case series which is the result of an international collaboration across 16 countries is published today (21 July 2022) in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). The study identifies new clinical symptoms of monkeypox infection, which will aid future diagnosis and help to...

Vaccine developed for human herpesvirus 6B

Vaccine developed for human herpesvirus 6B

by Kobe University A research group led by Professor Mori Yasuko (of the Division of Clinical Virology, Center for Infectious Diseases, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) has revealed that the HHV-6B glycoprotein complex gH/gL/gQ1/gQ2 is an effective vaccine candidate for human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B). There are still no methods to treat or prevent HHV-6B...

This new coronavirus breakthrough is key to helping determine if you’re infected

This new coronavirus breakthrough is key to helping determine if you’re infected

By Chris Smith @chris_writes A new study provides a key detail surrounding coronavirus symptoms, the likely order in which COVID-19 signs appear in infected patients. The timeline of COVID-19 symptoms could help patients better educate themselves and seek medical care earlier than they might have otherwise, so they can avoid spreading the disease. Knowing the...


Night owls can ‘retrain’ their body clocks to improve mental well-being and performance

by  University of Birmingham A simple tweak to the sleeping patterns of ‘night owls’ – people with extreme late sleeping and waking habits—could lead to significant improvements in sleep/wake timings, improved performance in the mornings, better eating habits and a decrease in depression and stress. New international research by the Universities of Birmingham and Surrey in the UK, and...


Alzheimer’s one day may be predicted during eye exam

Noninvasive test may screen for disease before symptoms appear It may be possible in the future to screen patients for Alzheimer’s disease using an eye exam. Using technology similar to what is found in many eye doctors’ offices, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have detected evidence suggesting Alzheimer’s in older patients who...